Saturday, August 15, 2015

The Table

All church buildings have one of these places. This particular one is no more special than any other one......You can find this place at any of our four congregations and at any congregation across the Church Universal..... This one happens to live at Rock Creek in the very back in the is 'the table'. It is the best seat in the house. The nexus for the gooey goodness that ends up on the serving table. The ultimate drop off point of everything potluck.

On this day, the good people of Rock Creek gathered for a funeral....we were saying good-bye to one of our long time members, a farmer who lived a long and productive life, filled with the love of his family, involvement with community, and someone who tried to good in the world.

The women started gathering early this morning....the table was the drop off spot for purses, bags, salads, bars, rain bonnets, and whatever else needed to be set down while the preparations were being made.....A little later all of the assorted bags and things were moved to make space to make the ham sandwiches.....

When I got there before the funeral, there was a small group gathered at the table that included Dave, talking about the plans for the day, the latest news from the neighborhood, and then they asked about me and how was I doing for this day....It was a pretty good day for me. I was feeling a little tired but I was looking forward to this day.....I am learning that every day is a blessing day. On this day tho, I am doing
what I am called to do, walk with people on the hard days and the joyous days. I have to admit that it was reassuring to me that as I was walking with this family, others were walking with me....Truly we are all in this together.

The family gathered for lunch in the basement, they talked, hugged, cried, caught up on family news, took pictures, exchanged memories, and supported each other.....What a blessing they were to each other. I went through the line, helped myself to a ham sandwich and sampled all the salads, especially the ones that were pointed out as the delicious ones that had to be tried. By the way all of them were delicious!!!!

It was then, when I looked around, that I decided that the perfect place to sit today was at that table in the back of the kitchen. So that was where I went.

There is something about that table....If that table could talk the stories it could would tell of messy VBS projects, countless sandwiches, hours of Bible Study and would tell about men and women sharing their faith stories, and telling the tales of what happens when God shows up..... there would have to be something about how that table landed in that spot in the first place, all the things that have sat on top, of the tears that were spilled there, the jokes that were told there, and the recipes that were shared there.

That table, and all those like it....... sit smack dab in the middle of Holy Ground....and today as I sat there eating my lunch, breaking bread with neighbors, visiting with those that were passing through,  I realized that this was only a few stories that this table could share....This table has been sitting there for well over my 56 years. This table holds the stories of all those that have passed through, sat down, and made gooey sheep our of cotton balls and Elmer's glue....

This table is part of a bigger story that it's place in this space and time. By virtue of being small insignificant story is now mixed in with all the rest that includes the VBS memories, the Bible Studies, the prayers, the tears, the laughter, the joy, the recipes, and the support that has been given there.....

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