Saturday, August 29, 2015

Blowing in the Wind.....

It is gone, except for the razor stubble.....and it was my idea.

I called my friend Phyllis to see if she could give me a buzz cut...and she could, and we did...So now I am bald as a cue ball....

I suppose I could have left it for awhile, but picking hair out of food, off the furniture, and sweeping it up off the floor become more than I wanted to deal with, off it came.....And oh by the way who knew that my hair would just blow away in the windblown a whole new meaning.....

I have some hats, scarves, and pugs to wear....I like the pink camo pug the best, but I can't find it right now.....

So here I am bald....and it will grow back!


  1. It's a beautiful look for you! The day a little girl, who I didn't even know at the pool said that I was beautiful, was a real turn around for me. Imagine what she has told others to lift their spirits-no bully that day! Wear it proudly :)

  2. Syd, Thank you for your kind words and your inspiration! I look to you as one of my mentors and role models! Blessings!
