Saturday, August 8, 2015

Finding a new normal.....

So....yesterday (Friday) began a new normal in my yet that normal is still unfolding and will continue to unfold for awhile yet.

Yesterday morning a "port" was surgically installed near my shoulder. This port makes it easier for the chemo treatments to be administered. So after the port was installed. I met with my doctor. There was good news and then some not so good news. not so good news there is a nodule that is on the upper side of the diaphragm which means that the cancer has spread out of the abdomen. The good news is that it is not in the lungs and that the treatment plan will not change. The hope is that with the treatments, the nodule will shrink, so we pray for that.

Next stop was the chemo treatment itself. Good news there too, no reactions and the port worked well.....So far only minor issues, but that will change in a day or two. Everyone reacts different so we wait to see what kind of adventures await.

I am prepared to loose my hair....I giggle at the ironic humor of donating over 8 inches of hair to Kids with hair loss and less than a month later, I will loose the rest of mine....still glad I did it and would gladly do it again. Wondering what color it will be when it grows back....or if I will finally have curly hair....something to ponder!

It occurred to me tonight that if all hair is lost, perhaps it will be a nice break to not have to shave my legs for awhile...there could be a giant advantage to this....

It has also occurred to me that laughing makes me feel any great stories and youtube videos that will make me laugh are welcome emails and Facebook posts/messages.

I am so thankful and grateful for such wonderful and supportive family, friends, Church, and medical care team. I am truly blessed by all of you....

So the adventure continues....we pray that the treatments work and that we can schedule surgery in 8-9 weeks.....We are hopeful and living in faith and the unplanned adventure keeps unfolding.

We had a wonderful outdoor service tonight at St John's where we learned about NIVC who serves adults who are differently abled. We are thankful of the work they do in our communities. Tomorrow I am planning to attend worship services at Faith and Rock Creek....I will continue to do so as long as my health allows. Maybe see you there!

Blessings Abound, Elayne

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