Sunday, August 9, 2015

I heard a rumor I am moving into Faith Home......

This post is not so much about me, as it is about you.....

Here is what I have noticed about the 4 congregations that we are called to serve, the wider church that we serve, and the God that calls us to serve....
Today at worship it dawned on me that these people are good at taking care of each other....they do it quietly and privately but their love shows up publicly. They watch out for each other. When they don't know what else to do, they cook and garden...thank you for the yummy treats!
They celebrate the little stuff! Like Hotdogs and some mores on a warm August evening.
They love and support their kids....they will do anything for those kids :)
They welcome weird pastors and diaconal ministers who challenge them to do weird things like have balloons at the Easter Service.This is not just a Cross Roads is way bigger. These are all people that are active in their communities and looking for ways to serve globally as well.....These are caring congregations....they look out for each other, they take care of each other....
Dave and I are blessed to be able to serve here in this place and in this time....

Here is a little reflecting on this week:
This has been a full and exciting week! Monday I worked on the pickles that you have already heard about....not impressive amounts, but it was fun watching the process come together....washing and pealing them, soaking them in the lime, stirring them and feeling them begin to become crunchy, marinating them in the vinegar and sugar, cooking them, putting them in the hot jars, and then processing them in the water bath.....It was very affirming as I heard the 4 pops as they cooled and sealed.....Fun! Just plain fun!

Tuesday mornings we meet with the Text study group where we talk about the upcoming readings for the Sunday Worship service....usually this is where sermon starts percolating....but this week the youth that went to the youth gathering in Detroit were going to be doing the message at Faith and Rock Creek (they went to St Luke and St John's the week before).....For the last few weeks the texts are all dealing with bread....The true bread.....lots of possibilities for great sermons....and I am sure you have all heard good ones! It is truly a blessing to be able to meet with these neighbors in ministries to share concerns and joys.

Tuesday afternoon we lead the worship service at the nursing home in Nora Springs...We have a few members who are residents there and it was a joy to spend the afternoon with them. Our day was not done yet tho.....

Tuesday night we met with our mutual ministry team who are so encouraging and supportive. They are a blessing to us and help us to understand the workings of each of the congregations and how we come across to each other.....It was helpful to hear their perspectives and their suggestions.

Wednesday I finished the final preparations to be ready for our Milestone Camp that was held on Thursday.....Milestones is one of the most valuable ministries that a congregation can offer....Milestones are those important times in our life that we recognize as special and celebrate. Birth, Baptism, Starting Sunday School, Learning to Pray, Learning to worship as a family, Getting your First Bible, First Communion, Starting Confirmation Class, Affirming your Baptism, getting your Driver's License, Graduation from High School, Starting college, Getting Married, starting a family, Starting your Vocation, Military Service,  Empty Nesting, Retirement, Funerals, Loosing a spouse, Starting a new school year, going to Bible Camp....these are all milestones. We have been celebrating them for years....the difference is that Milestones is much more intentional about celebrating....People are invited to come to a specific worship service where there will be a blessing and a gift.....This year we have started offering the training to families, that in my opinion is the most meaningful and important part of the ministry.....

So Thursday we had the first ever Milestone Camp.....We invited all preschool kids through first year confirmation students and their parents to come for an afternoon of fun, learning, crafts, and games....All things that they can take home and do as a family.....We had 11 kids! Great start for the first time we did it.....We had supper together and then we did the Faith 5 as our sending! We are encouraging all of the Cross Roads families to use that faith practice with their families this year!
The kids loved it.....their parents loved that the kids loved it, so they loved it too!!!! Thanks be to God!

And then of course on Friday I went to LaCrosse for the placement of the port and the first Chemo treatment, but you already know about that.....

Saturday there was a wedding at Rock Creek....I helped with some getting ready stuff....but was not involved with the wedding ceremony. I heard it was a beautiful service....Congratulations Megan and Scott!
Rachel and I had a nice long girl talk....Kevin is a lucky guy!
I did go to the Campfire service at St John's what a beautiful night for it. We had a great speaker who talked about NIVC in Mason City....

As I reflect on the week, I realize that this journey is not about is about all of us. How we need each other. I cannot say how much my family and friends mean to me and how loving they have been. I cannot express in words what it means to be a beloved child of God, splashed with God's amazing grace and a part of something bigger than myself.....

I am grateful for the well wishes, the encouragement, the prayers, the gifts, the cards, and the pay it forwards....... I am especially thankful to those who are taking the time to teach me about cancer.....I have learned so much already from those who have gone before.....including my medical team, but even more helpful are the so the many, many, many, (too many) women and men who have suffered this and other types of cancer....That word that no one wants to say, hear, or have......Those who have the courage to say what needs to be said, boldly and as proud survivors...They are giving me tips about dealing with the medications (eat a popsicle, it takes the nasty aftertastes away) how to deal with the hair loss, what to eat....... Those who know what is ahead and are ready to catch me as I crumble, pray with me and for me constantly, prop me up and push me these people I will be eternally grateful......

Oh, one more thing! I heard a rumor I am moving into Faith Home in Osage.....This is news to me! I wonder when I did that? I guess that if you can't find me at the Rock Creek Parsonage, will find me at Faith Home!

Soli Deo Gloria! Thanks be to God!

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