That is the picture of when we were almost done...but the message on the wall is what I was trying to says: "Life is not about waiting for the storm to is about learning to dance in the rain. And I like it....I am learning to do just that!
Friday was Chemo Treatment #2....My sister Laurie went with me....personality wise she is the polar opposite of me.....she is a perfectionist, I am not, She is wise, she is gracious, she is more like mom, I am more like dad...the list goes on!
We talked, laughed, cried, talked about girl stuff, and had a nice day....well except for the reason we were there, but we made the best of it, we danced in the rain....There in chair # 5.......It all went well!
The nurses called me a "rock star", things were going so well....I just pray it works!
How it works is that I get there early, and report to the Lab. They hook up the port and take the lab samples and then we wait for them to come back for the doctors to see, then I meet with the doctors who review the labs and clear me for the chemo chair....That all went well and blood levels are still looking good, no temps, and we check out from that side to the chair side...
This was my chair for the is a very comfy chair...and you can't see it , but there is a tv too!
We start with the pre meds...the ones that keep me from getting sick from the chemo....That lasts for an hour....the Benadryl makes me sleepy and mellow....
After that we have 3 hours of unicorn juice....also known as Taxol
And then another hour of rainbow syrup....most people call it camper something....Then we can go home!
One of the things that made the time pass quickly....I was given some really cool gifts....a journal and a dancing flower with lady bugs...we put that in the window and it dances...thank you Dallas! I don't have a picture of that yet, but I will and then I will show it to you....
And then there was the Callie Bag aka as the Chemo was a gift from Callie's Bags, volunteers in Osage put them together and distribute to those who are diagnosed with cancers. The bag is filled with everything you could possibly need, pens, pads of papers, q-tips, purell, tooth paste, brush, and floss, hand lotion, Kleenexes, thank you cards, cross word puzzles, all kinds of cool stuff....I added my Bible, beats, and a fan.....It is a really cool bag, and I am thankful, grateful, and humbled to receive it.....
But what Laurie and I spent most of the day doing.....was coloring Mandalas with Gel pens from the coloring book that my friend Elaine sent. What an awesome gift....there was the coloring of course, but there was the sisterhood thing.....and there were the prayers that went with the coloring....everyone who I could think of, I said a prayer for them as I filled in a space....I am not done with mine yet...Laurie did not finish hers either....I guess we will have to do that next time during #3 unicorn juice treatment!
I learned to love and appreciate chemo days with family and friends. It was always a hoot! Your treatment plan sounds much like mine was-what a schedule...You have a comfy chair and t.v. but do they offer you warm blankets?? That was the BOMB for me-warm blankets, many warm blankets, as many as I wanted!! I'm always cold and have been for 56 years so the mention of *warm* makes me instantly relax :) Had Taxol as well but didn't know there was an alias name-interesting. Benedryl-the nap inducer :) Gifts too many to count are forever humbling. May you continue to receive :) Coloring-I want to color!! I just need to find the *right for me* pages. Color on my friend!! Love
ReplyDeleteSyd.....They did offer me warm blankets!!! But lately I have been having my own personal tropical vacations (thyroid related), so I turned them down thus far....but as the weather changes I will defiantly be all over them and the quilt and prayer shawl!!!
ReplyDeleteChuck the snack volunteer is my best friend!!!! He brings the ice water, snicker doodle cookies, and straws! My day will be moving to Thursday, so I will meet a different volunteer.....
Cancer world is a whole new thankful for the people I have met and conversations I have had that would not have happened....I have will never have good words for cancer....but I love the God that helps me see the positives and sends life changing experiences that make it worth the journey!
The coloring was very therapeutic and just plain fun....the nurses wanted to color too :) I liked it so much, I ordered two more books on is a Nordic design one and the other is a Dream Mandala by the same author as the first one that was a gift, Wendy Piersoll.....We will have to have a coloring party!!!! Soon!
For a person of faith, even in the hardest times, a day can be filled with grace--as yours was.
ReplyDelete"Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9