Monday, August 10, 2015

Random Thoughts for Monday Morning!

Yesterday I was feeling really good! It was a blessing day! But the nurse navigator said that things would change and they did....Not to worry, I am still doing well, but it was a hard night....It started with being hot...not unusual for me and not for this time of year....but then around midnight my ankles and legs began to was not that the pain was unbearable but just could not get comfortable. I thought it would pass, so I didn't get up to take some Tynoyol....I found a fan and that helped with the heat issues.....That fan might be my new best friend :)  Anyway we will see what happens today....

I got this great advice from my friend that I didn't want to loose on Facebook, so I am reposting it here! Maybe someone else needs this advice too....Syd, thanks for sharing this!  

 For me water and water only was a huge key. It helps with dehydration, flushes all that crappy poison out of your system and I liked it with plenty of ice. As a hairdresser I just had to say "it's only hair". Get a wig early on, some super cute hats. I had a fairly good head so I just went around proudly bald. Do what is your comfort level. I have always said cancer has no pride so whatever you need, you won't get it unless you ask. It may be in home food, ice cream for breakfast, financial advice or answers to medical questions. Get some sort of electronic device to help pass car time and chemo time. Put on only positive things like music. Learn to love your bed and bedroom, or wherever your restful sacred space will be. Surround yourself with things you love. My bed and restful times was a gift to myself. I had a chair in my bedroom to receive visitors if I was up for it. We will hug soon smile emoticon

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