Saturday, August 15, 2015

Good News!!!!!

It was a week ago that the Chemo treatments started.....afew were already mentioned, others are better left unsaid. In a nut shell, the effects were that I was tired, had some achey feet and joints, lost the taste sensation in my mouth for a few days, was hot, hot, hot, had some trouble sleeping for more than 2 hours at a time (might be because I slept most of Monday), and drank a lot of cold water (with the usual side effects that may have caused some of the being up at night).....

Went to the doctor on Friday for blood work, port check, and check in with my doctor....Got good reports, red and whites, and platelet numbers beginning to drop, but that was to be expected...Port healing so now I can take full showers and wash my hair in the shower again! No more showers in the backyard with a garbage bag and garden hose!!!! Ok we did not do that, but that was how Dave would have helped me if my friend Phyllis had not intervened and let me come to her shop!!!!

So the doctor said that the worst of the side effects should be over for this round...for this time the side effects were minimal but I can expect to feel tired this week.....this is from the blood counts lowering. She reminded me not to over do.....humm, wonder why she said that!

Next treatment is in two weeks.....and then the fall schedule begins! We have cool things going on this fall at Cross Roads! I can't wait!!!!!

After the doctor appointment Rachel and I made a Sam's Club run and had a yummy lunch at the Ground Round in La Crosse....disappointed that Ground Round no longer has popcorn!

Soli Deo Gloria!!!! really :)

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