Saturday, August 29, 2015

Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty? (This one is a hard one to write)

This came across my Facebook feed the other day....It happened to fit into something that I have pondering a lot the last few weeks.....

I mentioned that as we have journeying through this cancer thing the news has not been good...but I have had to process a few things and get my emotions under control and just fight to keep the faith so not to be drug down and have a continuous pity one would blame me after all.....

Sometimes I feel sorry for myself, but most of the time it is over silly little things....

But the big stuff is when I pull out the big positive guns....and I refuse to let things get me down.....We have had to get out the cannons for this one....I am a pacifist and not sure why I use gun analogies...curious, perhaps I will need to explore that further....

Anyhoo....When I went to consult with the oncologist and the oncologist fellow.  

Side bar: This is what I have figured out so far....The oncologist is the cancer expert doctor, the attending physician. The Oncologist Fellow is an MD, that is a student who is specializing in a particular field, in this case Oncology. She is overseen by the Attending physician who approves, advises, and otherwise supervises the Fellow student. Anyhoo. I like both of them and trust their judgement....They are now starting to understand my quirky humor...and now the Attending Oncologist is moving, so I will not have him anymore :(   But I am glad I did for how long I did, because he made a difference in my life and in my treatment, more on that later.....

So back to the first visit with the Oncologists-the Fellow and the Attending.....and the OBG-YN she was there too. But I will not see her again, she was filling in for the surgeon that will do surgery later with the Gastro Surgeon....I have a lot of Doctors!

So the three of them, Dave and I were sitting in the exam room. They showed us the CT scans that confirmed Stage 3 Ovarian Cancer. They explained the treatments 3 rounds of Chemo---Surgery that would remove the fluid, the two masses, the lady parts, and the polyp mass that started us on this crazy adventure.....Then 3 more rounds of chemo. If all goes well it should be done by Christmas. And then the kicker....You have a fifty/fifty chance. My mind could not grasp what my ears had just heard....

"not the best odds" the attending doctor said....But you know, the people that do the best, are those who have a strong support system-family and friends....those that have a positive attitude.....and those who have an active faith life, who pray.....and it looks to me like you have all three. I think you have a pretty good shot at it. Those words...."looks to me like you have all three" changed the prognosis for me....It gave me hope, he reminded me of all the things that were important to me and the outcome didn't matter anymore. We win! Not the cancer.....

So is the glass half full or half empty? With the best family, friends, neighbors who bring food and treats,  tons of prayers, the gift of faith, positive thoughts and attitudes, a call to congregations that I love, good insurance, the best medical care, medical staff, and husband....the cup is continually being refilled and is overflowing!!!!!!

So as hard as it is to accept the 50/50 chances.....I can't possibly loose. If things go south so to speak-I go home to Jesus and how is that a bad thing? If we beat the cancer, which is the preferred outcome, I stick around for more birthdays......and that would be wonderful.

So we wait....and remember that everyday is a blessing.....we have had some great days lately! We even went to the State Fair with Kris, Becky, and Kolton and Kamryn.....


  1. I agree with the attending-you've got the package for success-success is however you define it! You've also got a great staff who see a faith life, and speaks it, as really important. So keep the faith, keep looking at the road ahead, and feel the Spirit surround you in each moment! Love

  2. I am so thankful for so much!!! The Staff, our congregations, those who have traveled the cancer journey and who are so supportive including you Syd!....I am so thankful for Portico and the insurance, I am grateful for our congregations that made sure we had a good package when it all was changing. I don't know what we would do without it.....I even have my own personal finance/insurance person at the hospital that works to make sure everything is covered..... And then there is the Spirit...I am convinced that prayers are working and keeping me strong and moving forward....soon we will find out if the treatments are working!
