Friday, October 30, 2015

To Tell Or Not To Tell....that was the question.....

I have to admit, I struggle with what to tell and what not to tell. I really don't like sharing this much personal information. But at the same time, in my position as a minister, it is hard to share the story with one and risk missing someone. So Dave and I decided early that we needed to have a way to share all at once. I also knew that I wanted to journal the unplanned adventure, thus the blog was born. I had no idea that so many would be reading it, telling me how much they enjoy (not sure that is the right word) sharing their stories with me, and identifying with the journey...

I appreciate the comments and feedback....I am thankful for the support and the prayers....and I love it  when people treat me like they did before, when tease me, and look me in the eye to challenge me on what ever topic we are discussing at the moment. I love it when people ask questions and give me helpful advice when I ask for it. I am thankful to those who have shared their personal struggles with cancer, either theirs or someone they love. And I also am thankful to those who respect my priviacy to only repeat or share only what they have read in the blogs. This is not an easy process for anyone who is going through it.....I have come to love and have the utmost respect for all who have taken the unplanned adventure.....All those who provide care and healing, the doctors, nurses, navigators, aids, lab tech people....And then there are those who are walking this journey with amazing family, the congregations of Cross Roads, and my friends.....These are my HEROES!!!

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