Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Day 79......

Time.....I do find that cancer has the ability to consume life....if I let it! So I choose to continue to live. I have to admit, I have slowed down, I am more tired than I use to be. Not sleepy tired, muscle tired.

Despite that, I am keeping up schedules. I do the things I enjoy, and some of the things that I don't. I just did a week of continuing education and it was great! Read some books, did some writing (including this), had a great visit with Marcus, and just enjoyed life.

Life is truly what you make it! I know it sounds trite, but we have choices in life. We have a choice of attitude-make the best of it or have a pity party......, we have choices about what we do or don't do-make the bed/not make the bed........ And then there are the things we have no choice cancer.

So lately we have had to plan things between treatments and good days and bad days. And I am thankful for the time.....

Time! Time is a gift. In our culture it seems to have become a way of life to fill the time with something. And since there is so much to do...many wait until the last minute to pick the best choice in the allotted time and then do that. What happened to commit to something and then follow through? Tho I have been guilty of waiting and choosing too....

This week we spent some time at the beach! The place where time is measured in low tide and high tides. The waves come from way out and crash into the shore bringing treasures from beyond. On this day the waves were gentle and soothing....but just a few weeks ago there was a hurricane and the waves were anything but friendly.

This time of year the beaches were quiet. People had gone home to their jobs and school. Perfect time to be there. We were pretty much there by ourselves, except for those who were fishing. We stayed on Hatteras Island, hence the light house. This was the first time I had ever stayed on an island. Where we were, the only way to the mainland was to drive 4 hours north to the other end where there is a bridge OR take two ferry across the channel. We took the ferry!

SQUIRRLE!!!!! aka side story:  We have been talking about going on a cruise....well we did, however we took the truck and camper with us...not sure that counts as a cruise but it was fun!

Our time at the beach was too short....but we both felt the time there was healing and rejuvenating. Which, by the way, was why we went there! And the fresh seafood, for Dave!

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