Friday, October 30, 2015

Chemo Treatment #5----Done!

October 29....

Chemo Treatment #5 in Chair#5.....I have been in chair #5 before! It is comforting to be in the same room 3 out of 5 times. I don't know that anyone knows that or understands that, but true for me. The nurses are starting to look familiar and they are most excellent at chit chatting about what is going on in their lives. I find that to be comforting and delightful.

My mom and my sister went with me to the session....We had to leave at 6 am to get to the 7:15 appointment. Same schedule as before....install the port, lab draw-blood tests, Meet with Dr Chalasasani and Dr. Jumonville for review of the past 3 weeks and how it went, approval for treatment. And then wait, while the Unicorn mixes are combined in the pharmacy and sent up.... by an air tube...I find that fascinating, Kinda like the Willie Wonka Chocolate the way dark chocolate still tastes really good, so does anything lemon or lime, and cold and creamy, and mashed potatoes and gravy.

Levels look good for where we are in the process...platelets are down which explains the exhaustion....well that and trying to do too much.

All went well treatment wise. I kept falling asleep from the Benadryl but felt good. I am in deep appreciation for the port.

Plan is for one more treatment, possibly 2, but no more than two on this treatment....another with the doctors as they determine if tumors are shrunk enough for surgery. If enough progress, surgery scheduled and we are done with treatment and then there will be close monitoring to make sure the cancer stays in remission.

If not enough, especially on the nodules on the diaphragm, then different courses of treatment will be pursued....a different chemo therapy....I of course am praying for the first option. But thy will be done, not mine.

Until Next Time.....

Soli Deo Gloria!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED certain rooms-they were about the right temp, the chair fit well, and I was away from the stuff around me-I could drift off or just dwell within myself. I *get* chair #5! I also began to feel more comfortable with everything (staff, procedures, etc...) about treatment #3. I hated that it became a comfort zone :( I personally have a love affair with my port but it's a little known secret :) Seriously though--call me to take you sometime if you are comfortable doing that. You can sleep and I can sleep. You get warm blankets right? They might share with me :) I'll take you for your favorite food after 'cause you're worth it! Love you and your spirit BOO
