Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Birthday to Kevin......November 3

November 3rd, 1980 you arrived at 1:08 am in the morning (something like that). The doctor almost was late for your entry....but Dr Smith arrived just in time. It had been a Sunday night, we were Luther League advisors and so we went to Luther League while I was in labor. Freaked everyone out!  Then we went to the hospital.

Your name, Kevin, means "gentle and lovable" and that you have been. You have a heart of gold and would give away everything if that would help someone. That is what I love the most about you. That and your sense of adventure. You are such a mountain man! But if that is what makes your heart sing then so be it!

I am so happy that you have found the love of your life. Rachel is the perfect complement for you...she is a keeper. We can't wait to officially welcome her to our my son, get busy!

We pray that you enjoy your day. We will be celebrating your birthday early, later today! But it is a surprise thanks to Rachel! so shhhh! You won't read this anyway, so I think we are safe!!!!

Happy Birthday my son! Enjoy your day, blessing abound, Mom

Friday, October 30, 2015

From Bishop Ullestad.....

I just thought I would share the Facebook Post from Bishop Ullestad.....He sent a link to this incredible song......Thank you Bishop!

Happy Birthday Becky Werges!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Becky!
We are so happy to be able to say you are our daughter! You are an amazing person, wife, mother, aunt, and God Daughter. We are so proud of you and admire your ability to care for others especially the family that you came from and our family that you joined. Thank you for being so willing to share your amazing children with us, and for all of the adventures that we have had together.

Enjoy your day, that also happens to be Halloween!

Love you Miss you!!!!!
Blessings and Joy be yours this day and everyday!

To Tell Or Not To Tell....that was the question.....

I have to admit, I struggle with what to tell and what not to tell. I really don't like sharing this much personal information. But at the same time, in my position as a minister, it is hard to share the story with one and risk missing someone. So Dave and I decided early that we needed to have a way to share all at once. I also knew that I wanted to journal the unplanned adventure, thus the blog was born. I had no idea that so many would be reading it, telling me how much they enjoy (not sure that is the right word) sharing their stories with me, and identifying with the journey...

I appreciate the comments and feedback....I am thankful for the support and the prayers....and I love it  when people treat me like they did before, when tease me, and look me in the eye to challenge me on what ever topic we are discussing at the moment. I love it when people ask questions and give me helpful advice when I ask for it. I am thankful to those who have shared their personal struggles with cancer, either theirs or someone they love. And I also am thankful to those who respect my priviacy to only repeat or share only what they have read in the blogs. This is not an easy process for anyone who is going through it.....I have come to love and have the utmost respect for all who have taken the unplanned adventure.....All those who provide care and healing, the doctors, nurses, navigators, aids, lab tech people....And then there are those who are walking this journey with amazing family, the congregations of Cross Roads, and my friends.....These are my HEROES!!!

Chemo Treatment #5----Done!

October 29....

Chemo Treatment #5 in Chair#5.....I have been in chair #5 before! It is comforting to be in the same room 3 out of 5 times. I don't know that anyone knows that or understands that, but true for me. The nurses are starting to look familiar and they are most excellent at chit chatting about what is going on in their lives. I find that to be comforting and delightful.

My mom and my sister went with me to the session....We had to leave at 6 am to get to the 7:15 appointment. Same schedule as before....install the port, lab draw-blood tests, Meet with Dr Chalasasani and Dr. Jumonville for review of the past 3 weeks and how it went, approval for treatment. And then wait, while the Unicorn mixes are combined in the pharmacy and sent up.... by an air tube...I find that fascinating, Kinda like the Willie Wonka Chocolate the way dark chocolate still tastes really good, so does anything lemon or lime, and cold and creamy, and mashed potatoes and gravy.

Levels look good for where we are in the process...platelets are down which explains the exhaustion....well that and trying to do too much.

All went well treatment wise. I kept falling asleep from the Benadryl but felt good. I am in deep appreciation for the port.

Plan is for one more treatment, possibly 2, but no more than two on this treatment....another with the doctors as they determine if tumors are shrunk enough for surgery. If enough progress, surgery scheduled and we are done with treatment and then there will be close monitoring to make sure the cancer stays in remission.

If not enough, especially on the nodules on the diaphragm, then different courses of treatment will be pursued....a different chemo therapy....I of course am praying for the first option. But thy will be done, not mine.

Until Next Time.....

Soli Deo Gloria!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

I am a Collector....

A few years ago a friend wrote a book called the Living is an book of pictures of people, a few I knew.....with the word that describes them in one word..

When I bought the book, the author Laura challenged me to pick my I did! Actually I have two, but they are related. My word is Collector and Eclectic....I am a collector! of people, of recipes, of collections, of kitchen tools, of experiences, of odd things, of movies, rocks and shells, and of many other things.....most that make no sense to anyone but me.... of my obsessions is the stamps and stickers from the national parks....When I find a new one I am visibly excited and it becomes a momentous occasion. Only other park stampers understand those heart palpitations as another stamp is added to the book...

Yes there is a book! I outgrew the first one and had to invest in the "Explorer Edition"!

 It goes with us whenever we travel! We don't get to all the parks in the area, but we try...

We take a picture of the park signs....and then we frame them and hang them on the walls of our house in Highlandville....these are new ones that we just got.....

We encourage others to join us in the fun....Rachel has become obsessed too!

Summer of 2015 we went West and had a blast with our grandchildren, Kevin, and Rachel.....We went to church and then went to the parks....the first one was a cave. Then we headed north to the Golden Spike...Traffic was heavy, it was further than the map showed, one thing after another...we arrived at 5:03 to find the park closed! Except as we walked up with our passports the extremely sympathetic and wonderful park rangers opened up the visitor center so we could get the cansellation stamps! Thank you very much Golden Spike Park Rangers! We will never forget you!!!!

 You might notice we have Jr. Rangers in the family!!!!

What should we collect next?

Soli Deo Gloria!!!!!

Shhhh! It is a secret!!!!!

So lately things have not been tasting "right" is the chemo. That is not the secret.
Today I was hungry for French Fries for dinner (lunch for those who have dinner when I have supper) . I like my fries crispy. I didn't have frozen ones, I hardly ever buy them because we like homemade ones....but the problem was, that they get soggy.

So here is what I did....this is the secret! Fry in small batches, like one potato at a time. Fry them then take them and drain them well. Then after you have fried them all the first time, fry a second time. They are crispy and golden and delicious.....Yumm! Nothing better than homemade fryes with potatoes from our garden~~~


Tomorrow is Chemo #5-I have to admit that I am not looking forward to it....especially when I have to miss a meeting that I would have really liked to have gone to...but that is how it goes sometimes. Still have not mastered being in two places at one time....

Anyhoo.....we are in the busy times at the church and at home. So not anxious to have to slow down....

The positive thought is that after more.....unless the plan changes again, which it could.

So we stay open to the adventure!

Day 79......

Time.....I do find that cancer has the ability to consume life....if I let it! So I choose to continue to live. I have to admit, I have slowed down, I am more tired than I use to be. Not sleepy tired, muscle tired.

Despite that, I am keeping up schedules. I do the things I enjoy, and some of the things that I don't. I just did a week of continuing education and it was great! Read some books, did some writing (including this), had a great visit with Marcus, and just enjoyed life.

Life is truly what you make it! I know it sounds trite, but we have choices in life. We have a choice of attitude-make the best of it or have a pity party......, we have choices about what we do or don't do-make the bed/not make the bed........ And then there are the things we have no choice cancer.

So lately we have had to plan things between treatments and good days and bad days. And I am thankful for the time.....

Time! Time is a gift. In our culture it seems to have become a way of life to fill the time with something. And since there is so much to do...many wait until the last minute to pick the best choice in the allotted time and then do that. What happened to commit to something and then follow through? Tho I have been guilty of waiting and choosing too....

This week we spent some time at the beach! The place where time is measured in low tide and high tides. The waves come from way out and crash into the shore bringing treasures from beyond. On this day the waves were gentle and soothing....but just a few weeks ago there was a hurricane and the waves were anything but friendly.

This time of year the beaches were quiet. People had gone home to their jobs and school. Perfect time to be there. We were pretty much there by ourselves, except for those who were fishing. We stayed on Hatteras Island, hence the light house. This was the first time I had ever stayed on an island. Where we were, the only way to the mainland was to drive 4 hours north to the other end where there is a bridge OR take two ferry across the channel. We took the ferry!

SQUIRRLE!!!!! aka side story:  We have been talking about going on a cruise....well we did, however we took the truck and camper with us...not sure that counts as a cruise but it was fun!

Our time at the beach was too short....but we both felt the time there was healing and rejuvenating. Which, by the way, was why we went there! And the fresh seafood, for Dave!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Happy Birthday Kamryn Grace!

Happy Birthday Gracie!!!!
Your smile is infectious! Your spirit is unshakeable! You are always looking around the corner to see what is next! I remember encouraging you to go and be one of the performers at the Dinner Buffet at Disney World.....One time was all it took and then you were in every performance....You are fearless, stubborn (in a good way), and creative.....All good traits for someone bound to change the world....

We love you and can't wait to see where you take us all for your next adventure.....Love Ya Miss Ya!
Blessings Abound, Grandma

Soli Deo Glori!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

I am in the chair for Chemo #4....I had hoped to be back on the road headed for home, but that was not the plan for me....

The good news is: there is progress, just not the doctors said there us shrinkage, just not enougth.....more thoughts later......the Benadryl made me sleepy and fall asleep!

Chemo Treatment # 4......

Remember the plan? Someone forgot to tell my body about the plan! Was I to do that? Was God suppose take care of that? Well, another surprise this week! I must admit that in the overarching scheme of the whole thing we had good news....great news in fact! However in my dysfunction with plans....that once there is a plan, we better be doing the plan or my world crumbles like a stale cookie. So that is what happened. The plan had to be changed and I took that as bad news, even tho in the long run it will work out for the best!

As you may remember the surgery that was planned for mid treatments. That is now. I had a third scan last week (October 6, '15)  had to wait until Thursday for the results. The surgeon, and oncologist, both of them, consulted in the hallway so we heard the whole conversation. (Hmm!) Doctors we have ears, we can hear you so watch what you say and where.....

Anyway! the tumors in the belly have shrunk like they were intended....GREAT NEWS!!!! The overies shrunk slightly, Good news!!!! The cancer juice (acidies) is decreasing...good news!  But the nodules that are on the upper side of the diaphragm did not shrink as much as they had hoped and so because of those, it was decided to continue the chemo treatments and recheck after the sixth cycle in about 8 weeks. The surgeon was concerned that if we took the 6-8 week break for the surgery we would loose control of that spot. And since it is not operable, this is the only shot for treatment.

So we will have two more rounds, keep praying for miracles, and dig a little deeper for more hope and energy. And after that we will have the conversation about surgery and next steps....It really is one step at a time!

My latest ministry revelation kind of goes along with that....Ministry was done in the past and Ministry will be done in the future....BUT Ministry can only be done in the present...with who is right there. And to do it one must be fully in the present! Not worrying about what will happen tomorrow and who will be here then. Only about the now.

That does not mean that we should not celebrate our past or plan for our future....but if you want to be an effective minister, worker, or is all about the present!

Ok, so that is my rant for now! We continue to keep on dancing in the rain and adjusting the sails...I still feel good and keep going, tho I need a few more rests.....Next week we are going to sneek away for some continuing education and time away....the doctors were specific that I should not be in no trip to Flordia this time!......and we will be able to see Marcus! Blessings Abound! Elayne

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Happy Birthday Kolton!

We celebrated Kolton's birthday this week....he is a decade old! WOW! when did that seems like we just went to the hospital to see him. I will never forget how tiny he was and the first time we held him.....I cherish the time we spent on car rides where we would sing "The wheels on the Bus" and the "Theme to the Beverly Hillbillies".....And then there were the vacations....the first one when Kolton was six months old when we went to Florida. And the latest one to the Grand Canyon and all points in between....

I remember the first sentence that I heard Kolton say....."Buckle Up, Buttercup!" That was a surprise to all of us, we wondered where he had heard that!?!?! Everyday Kolton continues to amaze us, teach us, and surprise us with his unique perspectives of the world.....May Kolton be blessed on his birthday....... and everyday! Love Ya Miss Ya!!!!!

Soli Deo Gloria

Updates and we wait.......

Life continues to offer blessing upon blessing! And we are thankful! We celebrated Kolton's 10th birthday this week. More on that later.....

Yesterday (October 6th), very early in the morning we went to Gundersen for the CT scan we have been waiting for....I drank the quart of funky water (aka imaging solution) with no problem.....they offered flavoring but I took it strait. After 45 minutes of drinking, I was taken to the scan room. The test was done, and now we wait......

I have an appointment with my oncologist fellow and the lady parts surgeon tomorrow (Thursday, October 8th) That is when we will find out the results from the scan....and make a plan. If the tumors will be scheduled. That is the best case scenario......

If the surgery can't be scheduled in the magic 30 day will be scheduled, but to keep things moving, I will have to have chemo treatment # 4.....

If the tumors did not shrink....we have to make a new plan, more than likely Chemo #4 with the possibly of changing the treatment.

So at this point we are living in the meantime when we don't have answers and lots of questions. We continue to pray that God's will be done.....I am hoping for shrunk tumors and scheduling surgery, soon!

Dave and I continue to be grateful for the love, prayers, and support from everyone. And I continue to be thankful for minimal side effects and to be able to keep up with the things I can and working at the vocation I love.

Today is is a busy day....We are looking forward to God's Work, Our Hand's Feeding the Farmers on Friday and Saturday, and we working on the Confirmation Banquet and are in hopeful anticipation of  Affirmation of Faith on Sunday, we have awesome kids!!!!!

Soli Deo Gloria!