Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Shoe.....continued!!!!

So.....remember the missing shoe? Apparently shoes go on vacation. Like the toys in Toy Story. When no one is looking they come alive and do things.....This one did. It camped all winter. I can only imagine where it went and what it did. But there is was....in the camper. The very last place I saw it last summer when we packed up after all of our summer adventures.

The camper is opened up again and getting ready to roll! We have a few fun adventures planned for this spring and summer. I can't wait!

As for the shoe, my toes have been freed and sandals or the green crocks are what are on my feet until the cold temperatures of fall remind the toes to go back to the shoes.

I thought about doing a theological reflection on the lost shoe and being found....there is a sermon there somewhere :)    But it is the days after Easter and my brain is fried!

Blessings to All! Elayne

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