Thursday......You will never guess what happened.....went to the chair all was going well, I ate a cookie......then I had an "episode". Sweating, upset tummy, and probably passed out. I don't remember that I am sitting in a hospital bed for observation, talk about unplanned adventures!
Timing for this is less than we will make lemonade and dance in the rain!
Kevin was my driver today. Had a nice chat!
So the rest of the story! After I wrote the above, I had some supper, got settled in, they pumped saline into my iv port, and then I fell asleep. I woke up about 10 feeling great. Watched a movie, read a book, and went back to sleep a few hours later.....I slept ok, but woke up when someone came by to check up on me, or the fluids that went in had to come out, and anytime there was action in the hall way, which was actually quite frequently. So to prevent that, I shut the door, but then the room was too hot.....UGGG!
Still not a bad stay. Ordered a delicious breakfast and waited to be discharged. Read a great book (work related, so I worked in the hospital) Worked on my sermon for Sunday (yup I am that dedicated), Wrote down some ideas for a project I am working on, Had a very nice visit with the doctor on call, my doctor, and the chaplain that came to chat....loved it! We talked about ministry!
After all that Dave came to pick me up and we headed for home.
So as I was headed for home, my brother Ed, and my parents, were headed to the hospital for what ended up to be an emergency appendectomy for Ed.....all turned out well. But here is the funny thing....The fact that I was discharged, and he was admitted on the same day, might be enough of a coincidence....But he was assigned the room that was next door to the room I was in! And my nurse from yesterday was there wondering why I was back.....Humm! The Stoen's are keeping the hospital in business this week!
Note on Ed, he is recovering and seems to be doing fine. He could use your prayers tho!
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