Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Well! That was a surprise......

Yup! it was....after feeling so good and naively thinking that it would last through chemo, I awakened to the hard fact that chemo is hard....and things are achey, wobbly, and foggy.....In the middle of the night it did occur to me that I should stop the next one.....but then I thought what if the last one stops the cancer from coming back....a chance for remission....And that is what we pray for (all because of that little pesky spot in the chest), ya we almost forgot about that!

Anyhoo.....it has been a rough couple of days. Not horrible, just can't get comfy.....things don't taste right and I can't think and get things done.....I really don't think I should be complaining, and yet I am. Not to mention we have the coming attraction of loosing the half inch of hair that I have grown....it really is growing fast, and it will grow fast after day 13 of unicorn juice #8!

In a few hours all that will pass and I will start feeling little better, then the last round of unicorn juice.....and then.....we can start working on strength....and working out for the Princess Marathon!

And it is Lent! I believe it is the busiest time of the year in the church....so why do we add more stuff to do when it is about slowing down and reflecting? I guess Chemo is making me slow down! Hmm....I had not thought about that until just this second...but it is true.

Soli Deo Gloria!

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