Quick update.....I am feeling better than I have for along time! I have more energy, I feel like I can do more things. All the body parts seem to be working. No more pain medication, I have not had any for a week. Beginning to work on preparing for the goal of waddling in the Princess Marathon in February of 2017, guess where! Walt Disney World in Orlando of course!
Met with Dr. B. this week....She gave us a good report. Things are looking good in the surgical region. Met with my cancer doctors, good reports there too.....As I think I mentioned, they are recommending two more rounds of chemo as a precaution since they found an active cancer tumor in the pathology reports. The tumor was removed, so good there. But to be sure, we have more chemo. So Chemo #7 is scheduled for next week.
So.....my hair is starting to grow back....It is super fine and does not look like much. But trust me there is a ton of it! I took a picture, but it really was not becoming, so I will spare you :) With the next two rounds of chemo, it will disappear and we will start all over again. I just keep reminding my self that: "Really, it is only hair". And there are a few advantages to not having hair...such as:
1. you get to wear cool hats.
2. Getting ready time is down to 10 minutes, including a shower!
3. no clogged sinks.
4. no clogged vacuum cleaners!
5. no picking hair out of your food!
6. people can't pull your hair, not that it ever happened....
7. no bed hair in the morning
8. save a boatload of money not buying hair care products.
9. I can't think of #9 but I am sure there is one...I thought of one! My snowmobile helmet fits better!
10. Oh and did I say you get to wear cool hats.
I figured it out and I will not have enough hair at Rachel and Kevin's wedding to have a french knot....so I will wear Grandma's white hat....now I have to find a dress to go with it :)
On another topic....I am easing back to the world of work. I am now missing the Sunday prep and preaching. I would have been back to confirmation last week, but with the snowstorm all was canceled. That being said, having a slowed schedule has allowed me to work on some overlooked projects and fun things....like a Lenten Journey Passport-a little booklet that will be used for Lenten devotions....have to finish that TODAY!!!!! so it will be ready for Sunday (we are burying/hiding the Alleluias and celebrating Mardi Gras this week)
I cannot express the feelings of thankfulness, gratefulness, and love that I have for everyone who is walking with us on this unplanned adventure. Thank you for the prayers, the food, the friendships, the cards, the notes, and messages. Each one of them has lifted my spirit helped me keep going when all I wanted to do was be a human puddle of tears.
We pray that the new normal begins to slow down.....that after the chemo the cancer is in remission. For the next two years I will have checks every three months.....I can handle that! Certainly better than ever three weeks! And I like LaCrosse, after the hospital we can make stops at all our favorite places....
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