Friday, February 12, 2016

Every day may not be good....but there is good in every day....

Every day may not be good....but there is good in every day....On the wall in the chemo chair #7 room.

So today we were back in chair #7 for unicorn juice...I know I said I was done...I had hoped. This treatment is like frosting on the cake...Trying to make sure that we got all the cancer. And that is good news.

All went well....we, being Mom, Becky, and Kolton, all enjoyed a few rounds of Snickerdoodles. The secret cancer fighting thing...or the thing that makes Chemo bearable.....Actually the process is not painful, and usually do not experience the nausea that others have talked about. I truly feel blessed for that. And we have to keep reminding ourselves, that chemo is different for everyone.

Met with the doctors before the treatments to review progress and bloodwork scores. Everything looked good, and the blood scores that were down last time due to past chemo and surgery are all in good ranges, a bit on the low side, but improved from last numbers. Obviously I was cleared for treatment. The next and last one is scheduled for March 4th. Then we talk about what comes this point what I know is every three month checks for the next two year. Then if there are no flags and concerns we can move to once or twice a year.

Anyhoo....we stopped for ice cream on the way home....we knew it was cold, but all of us had hot fudge in one form or another...yummy!

Had a long talk with my parents got home late, was super tired (from the Benadryl that knocks me out) went to bed and slept really well.....Zukie came to check on me about 4:30, woke me up so I said have a good day to Kevin as he was leaving for work.....

Today Friday....I am still feeling good, getting some work and phone calls done. Waiting for Kevin to get back from work so he can drive me to Osage.

I have been working here and there... but I plan to be back to work pretty much full time again starting next Wednesday and Thursday and back to leading worship on Feb. 21st!

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