Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Adventure Continues.....

I am in complete disbelief....or denial....that TODAY is the first day of December!!!! I think to myself, how did this happen. My body clock is still somewhere in August basking in the summer sunshine. I kinda feel like I missed summer. While we had some serious fun and enjoyed every second, I still long for more....camping with the grand babies (who are no longer anywhere close to babies! Kamryn is 10 and Kolton is 11....already!) camping with grandpa, trips to the drive-in for ice cream, planning, and writing.....

Yet time marches on even when I am not ready to move on! Yup! my hair is growing and now I have to use the hair brush.....

So, the adventure continues....tho not so drastic as the last unplanned adventure. But related. Three weeks or so ago, I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. So I am learning to count carbs, exercise more, and make better choices. So far so good. I am lucky! And I believe that I have been given a second chance at life and I better make the most of it....

I am grateful that it was diagnosed early, and if I get my bad habits under control, perhaps it will not be sooooooo bad.....

Life in the parish is awesome....We have good days and bad days, but more good than bad. And we have awesome partners in ministry. The picture below is of this year's Confirmation Class...We had 6 in our class from three of the four congregations! Check out the link to an article about our amazing parish!

More Later,
Blessings for the Journey!

Friday, September 2, 2016

Quick summary of the Summer of 2016!

We have had quite the summer and it has been some time since the last post....
Kevin and Rachel were married on July 30!!!! It was a glorious day, we had so much fun and our only regret is that we were not able to get around to visit with everyone at the reception.

 Kevin Rachel and their cakes....The Tree cake and the Norwegian Wedding Cake
New Friends!
And then there was the mission trip to Alabama and South Carolina....We went as families. So many blessings and stories to tell....

And the last week we have been exploring and having a great time resting and renewing! Coloring books and puzzles have been the most important things we have done, and touring the Daytona Speedway....a new fan was born! Oh and we survived Hurricane Hermine!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Abraham and Isaac......

To start with....I am complicated, and I am difficult (I announced on Saturday that David is difficult. And he is! I confess I am too, and somehow together we make it work. There I have confessed, now to back to the story)

I tell you I am complicated, because before I get to the point there are some things you might need to know. First, I love to do Lectio Devina. I like to do it alone, and I like to do it with groups...It is quiet time, where I fall head first into the Word and let it surround me like a warm bath. I just fall in and let the words just run through my brain and then I listen to what God is trying to day today....

The second thing is that in addition to who I am today and what I do today, I have a past full of experiences of a Social Worker....I love that work, and sometimes I miss it. But I love what I do now. And sometimes the two things are intertwined...but I digress....when I wanted to get a kid to talk, we went for a walk. And they talk they did....

So here is where those two random thoughts collide....Today's Bible reading from one of the email devotions I receive is from Genesis 22. I cut and pasted it below if you are interested. It is the story of when God tests Abraham by asking Abraham to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac....Does the story line sound familiar? (It should! The same plot line happens again a few thousands of years later.) 

If you do Lectio Divina you know that you read the text. And then dwell in the word for a little bit. Then read it again and pick out the words or phrases that speak to you......Today I was struck by the words, "the two of them walked together." Abraham and his young son, Isaac were walking together. We can only imagine what Abraham was thinking and feeling or what they talked about. But what we do know was that God was testing Abraham and had asked Abraham to sacrifice his son. After all they had been through....God promised a great nation would come from Abraham's family and here was the start the nation, of the Israelites ...

How could this be? In the end the angels stopped Abraham and there was a nation.

Abraham had a unique relationship with God....Abraham was faithful in the face of the unthinkable. And in the end God provided. Personally I find hope in this amazing story of faith. I can't help that when the two were walking, God was there too. Everyday we walk with God, even when we may not know it..... 

Genesis 22:1-14 (NRSV)

After these things God tested Abraham. He said to him, "Abraham!" And he said, "Here I am." He said, "Take your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I shall show you." So Abraham rose early in the morning, saddled his donkey, and took two of his young men with him, and his son Isaac; he cut the wood for the burnt offering, and set out and went to the place in the distance that God had shown him. On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place far away. Then Abraham said to his young men, "Stay here with the donkey; the boy and I will go over there; we will worship, and then we will come back to you." Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on his son Isaac, and he himself carried the fire and the knife. So the two of them walked on together. Isaac said to his father Abraham, "Father!" And he said, "Here I am, my son." He said, "The fire and the wood are here, but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?" Abraham said, "God himself will provide the lamb for a burnt offering, my son." So the two of them walked on together.

When they came to the place that God had shown him, Abraham built an altar there and laid the wood in order. He bound his son Isaac, and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. Then Abraham reached out his hand and took the knife to kill his son. But the angel of the LORD called to him from heaven, and said, "Abraham, Abraham!" And he said, "Here I am." He said, "Do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from me." And Abraham looked up and saw a ram, caught in a thicket by its horns. Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up as a burnt offering instead of his son. So Abraham called that place "The LORD will provide"; as it is said to this day, "On the mount of the LORD it shall be provided."​

Friday, May 27, 2016

You Are Mine.....

You Are Mine...

When Peace Like a River

One of my favs....
When Peace Like a River....

The Sun is Always Shining....somewhere!

I am at the point where I am beginning the process of reflecting on the Unplanned Adventure. So here is the first in what I hope to be many! I Pray that it is over, but petrified that the cancer will come back....Look Cancer: I have a certificate that it is over! So Cancer, you are not welcome here!

I don't think cancer cares....This is what I think of cancer:

yup....Cancer Sucks! I want to buy the tee shirt....

I like this better:

 Or This:


So what brought this all up again? Next week I go back for the first three month check with both Dr. B. and then a week later with Dr. C. On one hand, I am confident, on the other hand. One never knows. Kinda like life! So we pray some more, and we wait. Something we are learning to do.

One of the refections that I am still "chewing on"....because I am a stewer and just can't let things go until I have thoroughly explored every possibility and that while cancer is physically devastating, it is the most emotional thing I have ever dealt with. I suppose that might be obvious to many, after all we all have been touched by cancer's ability to take away our family and friends too soon....but for me, it was way more 'everyday'. Cancer, and let's not forget the exceptionally strong drugs that go along with it, have the ability to steal joy and the simple things that are enjoyable in life.....Food and drinks did not 'taste right'. I drink way to much Pepsi...I like pepsi, but not after treatments. I couldn't even drink it. I enjoy pizza. That didn't taste right either. And anything with a tomato based sauce, nope, not for me!

For me, the blander it was, the better it was. Chicken and noodles, chicken noodle soup, yogurt, frozen fruit, puddings, not chocolate tho, Poppy Seed Chicken, popsicles, Schweppes Ginger Ale, and Ice Cream were favorites!

Anyway, cancer and chemo stole enjoyment. I fell asleep during movies. I had no energy to do anything. (So thankful for the gift certificate for the house cleaning!).

Yes, yes, I was surprised at how hard the emotional fight was. So here is what got me through! your prayers, your support, your love. The messages and cards (I count Facebook messages too) The care packages with things that I needed, that I didn't know I needed. The goofy hats! (I never did get a wig, but I liked the hats!) and faith. And I will say my faith was tested.

But here is the thing.....when I felt like I was at the end of my patience and was the community around me that held on and kept me from falling over the edge where I often stood. They pulled me back when I couldn't.

Sometimes I didn't want to get out of bed in the morning....not because I was in pain or not feeling physically well. I just didn't have the umph to put my feet on the floor. That was when I got a push from my beloved....he would say "get out of the bed, take a shower, and let's go....." I hate to admit how much I needed him to do that and how much I love him for doing that....." He did not allow me to feel sorry for myself. We all need someone to do that for us. Even when we do not want to hear it.

Which brings me to how I coped....Well first of all prayer, lots and lots of prayer, and reading the Bible, and then the community and all they said and and inspirational sayings, and I passed them on through Facebook, writing them on post it notes......There were so many that I can't possibly share them all. But one thing I will say, is that when I needed one, it appeared. I cried. I felt better.

All in all, compared to others, I had it easy. I missed out on some of the things that people have to endure. I continue to pray for them. I am thankful that I was able to tolerate the chemo and had minimal side effects.

The other day....I remembered when we went flying the last time, it was cloudy and stormy when we left the air port. As we took off and went above the clouds, the sun was shining. It reminded me that even tho in our everyday lives there are storms and difficulty. Somewhere the sun is always shining. God is always there for you and for me....we just can't loose sight of it....and remember to look up, you never know what you are going to see!

Blessings on your Adventure, Elayne

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Soli Deo Gloria!!!!!

I am honored, I am humbled....To God be the Glory!

Look at this....

Just So You Know.....

This is the place where I put things that make me feel better when I am down, and Just make me happy....hope they help you too....
My Playlist if you will.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The May Cross Roads Newsletter Article.....

****Note: We are home from our fantastic vacation to Disney World....While we were there we spent some time exploring and learning about hospitality. Our observations ended up being the newsletter article for the month of May....Here is part 1.

Welcome Home!!!!!

At this very moment, Pastor Dave and I are enjoying time away for rest, renewal, and study. But before we can let go completely and enjoy our time away at Walt Disney World, we must finish our newsletter article! So here it is.

At our Cross Roads Leadership Retreat in February, as we talked as a group three priorities emerged for us to work on. The first one was hospitality and welcoming, the second was how we communicate (website, written materials such as newsletters, bulletins, brochures, and branding), and the third will be having more joint parish opportunities. This month’s newsletter article will focus on Hospitality and Welcoming though “4 Keys”.

St Luke has already started working on some ideas of how to be more welcoming and soon will be inviting the other congregations to join them in some joint trainings on hospitality, and serving as greeters or ushers.

Jesus was clear about welcoming the stranger and taking care of others. Jesus told special stories called parables to demonstrate how important it is. Take for example the story of the “Good Samaritan”. Three people passed by the man laying along the side of the road. The third person to pass by was the Samarian. The Jews hated the people of Samaria. And it was this person who stopped to help and make sure that the man was taken care of. As the priesthood of all believers, we are called to serve those who we like and even those who we consider our enemies.

Pastor Dave and I are in the perfect place to talk about hospitality. After all this place is all about hospitality. They have even written books, have seminars and classes, and they have a university to teach it. But even more importantly Walt Disney World practices it everyday and through out their organization. In the day to day functions of the Church, we can learn from the Disney organization.

First of all, when we arrived we were greeted with a friendly smile and a sincere “Welcome Home”. These words communicated there is a place here for you and we want you here! Disney does details well. From the dedicated parking lot for check in, to providing extra towels for the pool. They go out of their way to ensure your needs are met. Everywhere we looked there was something to see, hear, or do. From the signs that explained things to the carvings on the sides of buildings.

Secondly, there are plenty of people to direct you to where you want to go. Disney provides ample training to their cast members. But they also have trained guests to share information with other guests. We have learned so much by talking with others.

Disney trains every cast-member in the “Four Keys”
1.     Safety
2.     Courtesy
3.     Cleanliness
4.     Efficiency

Safety- is always first key. Examples that we do in our congregations are things like making sure that the ice is removed from sidewalks in the winter and wet spots are cleaned up. We also want to make sure that our SAFE policies are up to date and we ensure that our children are safe in the building.

The second key, Courtesy-refers to how we treat each other and our guests. Making sure they are attended to and questions are answered. When a cast-member enters any guest area, they are ready to serve. They are in costume, they are trained for their area, and Gossip is never tolerated. For us, we want to make sure that we are equipping and empowering the people of Cross Roads to share the Good News Monday through Sunday to all they encounter.

When at Disney or in our congregations, issues arise on a regular basis. Issues are inevitable when there are thousands of employees and millions of guests from all over the world. With that many people there will be messes. Disney has a huge “mousekeeping” staff, but ALL employees are expected to clean up and to help each other out as needed.

Which brings us to Key #3 Cleanliness. Disney strives to keep things clean and updated. While we don’t have the budget that Disney does. There are things we can do. We can make sure that our public spaces are welcoming and cheerful.

And the finally Key is Efficiency- As a parish we have the opportunity to do things together. If we choose, we can coordinate the ordering of supplies to be able to take advantage of discounts. We can save staff time by offering the same Bible Study one time rather than the same thing four times. Same goes for some of the other programs of the church.

Disney World prioritizes these things so the most important is Safety. When there are two things that are equally important, Disney looks to the highest ranking thing. All of these things contribute to a positive experience.

We would propose that for us as a parish, we add a Key Ring, the ring to hold us together….Our “key ring” is God and the Good News that we are called to proclaim. Walt Disney once said….”Whatever you do, do it well”.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Refreshed and Renewed.....

We left our house three weeks ago in the overpacked camper and truck. We were EXHAUSTED physically, emotionally, and spiritually. There was not much left to give. As a couple we had been snapping at each other for weeks. Truly Dave could barely smile! Tho he did not loose his sense of humor......

For everyone, life takes a is stressful. For us this year was unusual.....and we did our best to cope and keep up with things..... I did the stress-O-meter test at a retreat a few weeks ago and my score was off the chart.....Yikes!  We had:

  • A family member with a Serious illness
  • change in family status (we have a wedding in the family this summer)
  • Lent/Easter with extra worship services
  • Every three weeks since last summer we had a funeral, two were just before Easter.
  • end of school year stuff
  • long winter
  • and a few other things.....
I am not complaining....just saying! And then I read again:

31He said to them, “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. 32And they went away in the boat to a deserted place by themselves. Mark 6:31-32

That passage reminded me that even Jesus went away to rest....and so by Jesus example, we are encouraged to go away to rest too....Each week we are given the gift of Sabbath. But we, as humans feel the need to fill up all the time with business and don't always take the gift to rest. And we become tired from all the things, even the good things that we do in a day.

So we would have been good to stay home, but when we are at home, we find more things to do, and so we don't rest......We drove south and arrived at our destination Monday evening....just in time to go to our room and sleep.....four days later we woke up! Ok not really, but we were in bed early and I got up late!

Part of our time away was for continuing education. We read books, studied, wrote, and did a few interviews.

Other times we celebrated.....

We opened the Magic Kingdom! 

We ate foods that were new to us and are now favorites....Chicken Tikka Masala and beef Kabobs are my new favorite! Dave had a new kind of fish....he loved it and wants to go back to Cafe Marachesh and Yak and Yeti.....

Well, the bus and the monorail are here to take us on another adventure.....See you later!

We came back rested and renewed.......Soli Deo Gloria!

Random Observations from Living in Community ......

People watching is one of our favorite things to do....and we have done a lot of it this week! Here are some observations.....

Just because you can, does not mean you should.....

I no longer appreciate strollers the size of a small car, filled with everything including the kitchen sink.....

Nap time is important...especially for the over 21 crowd......

Sunscreen should be worn at all times in Southern Florida......

The middle of a crowded path is not the best place to have a picnic.

I am surprised by the number of people who never say thank you....I am also surprised by the number of people who are kind and helpful....Rarely are they the same person......

I use to love pineapple dole whips....kinda off them right now.....they tasted the same as the gallon of "go lightly" I had to drink before surgery.....gag!

The line for the mirrors was as long as the line to use the restroom facilities....humm....

The happiest place on earth is not the happiest place for everyone.

Most little ones like to play peek-a-boo.

There are always four buses to places you are not going before the one you need shows up.....

When lighting strikes, there is a large fireball where the strike lands.....yup we saw that.

Hats are noticed.....we saw someone wearing a John Deere hat, we said nice hat....she said my husband works for Deere....we asked where, she said Iowa.....

It is the little things that matter.

Ice Cream always tastes good....

Merry-Go-Rounds make you feel like you are 5 again, or still.

Mud puddles are made to make a splash.

Wherever you go, there you are.....

Rarely is it a good idea to smoke a cigarette and drive....even less of a good idea is to hang your head and arm out the window of a car to smoke your cigarette in traffic going 70+ MPH....ya, we saw someone doing that.....

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


I have to admit that as I have been traveling through the "unplanned adventure" my emotions have been like a roller coaster. I never realized how much of dealing with cancer has to do with emotions. I have mentioned how thankful I am for all those that kept me from falling off the edge and keep me positive. And it is only because of all of them and the gift of faith.

That being said. It was easy to become desperate and grab onto anyone or anything that offered hope. It was a constant battle to keep focused on 'true north' and not get distracted by the possibilities of new medications or treatments.

When Dave was in seminary, there was a retreat to help the almost graduated seminarians to prepare to enter congregations and parishes. There was a speaker that had been invited to speak about "Discerning Your Call". She talked about what to expect in an interview, what questions to ask, and how to read a congregational profile. Her last piece of advice was to look for the signs that God is leading you this place. She used the example that for her, the signs were "lady bugs". She said when she interviewed with the congregations that she served, she saw ladybugs.

So, that sent us on our quest to find our "signs". And we did. A few years later, we were going to Virginia to interview and visit the Seminary at Gettysburg. As we flew over this beautiful country we were talking about the possibilities of moving across the country for school for me and a new call for Dave. We looked out the window and we saw crosses....they were easily explained.....the places when a road crossed over a river or a grove of trees. What could not be explained was when they showed up.....they always appeared when we were talking about the questions of discernment.

But then, when we were driving on I-70 from the airport in Baltimore to Gettysburg we started seeing crosses in the sky. Hundreds of them. Co-incidently when we saw them we were driving through Mt. Airy. Mt. Airy later became significant in my life when I was assigned to Calvary Lutheran Church as my teaching parish. While a call in Virginia did not work out for Dave, I went on to be a student at Gettysburg and go on to graduate from LTSG. (and I am thankful for the training and education I received there).

Since then crosses have been a significant source of hope and comfort for both of us, and especially for me. I have seen them when I have been struggling with things, when I am upset, and when I am celebrating. They are just small signs that God is with me. One time I was on my way to an interview for a job that I was sure was not a good fit. Instead of a cross, there was a arrow pointing the other direction....I did not get the job and that was a good thing!

So during this journey into cancer world, it was easy to latch onto anything that offered hope. Anything. Especially when the doctors were giving less than hopeful odds for prognosis. I understand how people hear of a new treatment or drug and travel hundreds of miles or spend thousands of dollars for a new miracle that offers hope of a cure....

Hope now has new meaning for me. The crosses in the sky are reminders that God is here....not just for me but for everyone. Hope is fragile and delicate, and at the same time strong and optimistic.....another paradox! (I love paradoxes!!!!!) 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

I Am Grateful....I Am Humbled......To God be the Glory!

Right now my thoughts are all over the place....emotionally I am a mess. And that is ok....Today the unexpected adventure closed one chapter and begins another one.  I had an appointment with my oncologists. Today was the day that I was to get the results back from the CT scan that I had on Monday.

The scan was to be a baseline for the future....that was the hope. But as you know in all things medical, things don't always go as planned, or at least how we plan them. And we certainly cannot depend that everything will follow the prescribed path.....So I had been waiting with hopeful anticipation for the results. Honestly I did not dare to assume that all would be well.

Last week I found myself being emotional at some pretty silly things. But also remember last week was Holy Week and I am always emotional that week. So has been an emotional roller coaster. Cancer is more than a physical disease....there is the emotional aspect that wants to steal hope and send you into a deep, dark abyss. It is a struggle to keep out of that place. And that is why you all have been so important to me. God has sent you to keep me from falling off the edge and falling into that dark place. Attitude really is important.

So this morning we met with the Oncologists.....We received fantastic news.....Remember tho that at the beginning they told us that I will never be cured. The cancer can go into remission. But the statistics say that the kind of cancer that I have will eventually come back....I am a lifer.

One more thing....When I was there 3 weeks ago, they decided to do the genetic testing for ovarian cancer....the BRCA gene. I don't have either one of them. So that means I did not have cancer because it was handed down to me genetically....but better yet, I will not pass it on to my children or grandchildren. Good news. But if we are looking for a reason why I got cancer, there is none. I was not at risk. It just happened.

So now for what you have been waiting for! For now the cancer is in remission.....Some of it is gone! Even the little spot near my lungs and heart that we were so worried about. Thanks be to God!!!! Next steps are to have the port taken out-next week. And then checks every three months. We will continue to pray that the cancer stays in remission.

Thank you! Thank you for being there! Praying for me, holding me up, taking care of me, giving me positive words.....for that I am eternally grateful and humbled. I will never be able to thank you enough or repay your kindness. I have experienced grace.

To my family, friends, and partners in ministry....this is for you! Enjoy!

O sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things. His right hand and his holy arm have gotten him victory. Psalms 98:1