People watching is one of our favorite things to do....and we have done a lot of it this week! Here are some observations.....
Just because you can, does not mean you should.....
I no longer appreciate strollers the size of a small car, filled with everything including the kitchen sink.....
Nap time is important...especially for the over 21 crowd......
Sunscreen should be worn at all times in Southern Florida......
The middle of a crowded path is not the best place to have a picnic.
I am surprised by the number of people who never say thank you....I am also surprised by the number of people who are kind and helpful....Rarely are they the same person......
I use to love pineapple dole whips....kinda off them right now.....they tasted the same as the gallon of "go lightly" I had to drink before surgery.....gag!
The line for the mirrors was as long as the line to use the restroom facilities....humm....
The happiest place on earth is not the happiest place for everyone.
Most little ones like to play peek-a-boo.
There are always four buses to places you are not going before the one you need shows up.....
When lighting strikes, there is a large fireball where the strike lands.....yup we saw that.
Hats are noticed.....we saw someone wearing a John Deere hat, we said nice hat....she said my husband works for Deere....we asked where, she said Iowa.....
It is the little things that matter.
Ice Cream always tastes good....
Merry-Go-Rounds make you feel like you are 5 again, or still.
Mud puddles are made to make a splash.
Wherever you go, there you are.....
Rarely is it a good idea to smoke a cigarette and drive....even less of a good idea is to hang your head and arm out the window of a car to smoke your cigarette in traffic going 70+ MPH....ya, we saw someone doing that.....
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