Saturday, November 7, 2015

Day 89~~~Whoa! I was not expecting that!

First of is good! Tuesday though....that was a different story. (Monday too but it was the official day off, and I planned nothing for that day) And it was a surprise.

The backstory I have to keep saying is: "I am so thankful to be able to keep up with things, for the most part anyway. I have to admit that I get wore out quicker than before. Dave would disagree, but that is another story."

Back to Tuesday. Tuesday would have been day 6 of cycle #5. I had a full day on the calendar. So got up in the morning, took a shower, and got ready to go. That was when I discovered an intense identification with a bowl of spaghetti. I felt like there was no structure in any of my body parts, and no energy to gather up all the body parts to move from where I was to where I wanted to be. I had absolutely no desire to move.

But I did, I went to a Text study of this weeks Gospel lesson with friends and colleagues in Osage. And after we went out for lunch. When it was time to go and I slithered into the car, I told Dave I was really exhausted. Perhaps this was what my doctor talked about when she said "I don't want you to overdo".

To the home I went. And went no further than the closest place to sit. Immediately I fell asleep and woke up two hours later, still in my jacket and bags at my feet.

I got up and tried to straiten up (stuff random items into drawers, closets, and cupboards, just to be able to say I accomplished something this day. Plus we were having the Mutual Ministry meeting at our house Tuesday night. (I don't even want to think about unraveling the mess in those drawers)

When it was time, they came, we had an awesome meeting with good things talked about. One of the members brought pizza-thank you Tom! We finished and then it was time for meeting #2.....the parish council meeting. I begged not to go....My mind was willing, but my body said "NOOOOOO". Dave pushed, I whined....I asked him to Drive me over......he said no! I went, but had to stop to rest by the maple tree in the yard.

The meeting went well.....I enjoyed it.....awesome treats! Thanks Abby and Nic! But I sat there like a pile of spaghetti, at least that was how I felt.

Went home, rested at that same maple tree. Prepared to go to bed. Forgot that I had one more thing to do.....Made a bowl of jello for the potluck at the NEIA Synod office the next day. Then sat down to go to bed....Super tired and exhausted but sleep did not come. I thought I will watch one of my favorite recorded shows from that night.....nothing! Don't ya just hate that feeling of wanting and needing to sleep and it just never comes....

Finally fell asleep on the couch, with the lights on and the TV blaring.

Wednesday was another day.....Felt 1000 times better. Still grateful for no pain (except for a little back pain when I clean, but I might have had that before). We went to the potluck, had a great time. We had confirmation family night-another potluck, an engaging talk about human trafficing and tangible things we can do......  and all is well in the Wergi world!

The adventure continues.....

Soli Deo Gloria!

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