Thursday, November 19, 2015

Change of Plans! No Snickerdoodles Today!

Thanks to all you for the prayers and support.....No Snickerdoodles today! Treatment # 6 of Unicorn Juice postponed until next week cut to platelet count tanking....Doctors say that it is what happens as the chemo destroys the good cells and cancer cells. It can't tell the difference. The positive, awesome thing is that I can enjoy Thanksgiving and all the fun.....might even be able to taste the food.

I am now scheduled for Friday, Black Friday! so no shopping for me....That is fine, I don't do Black Friday anyway. I am afraid I might loose my driver tho :)

Thank you so much to Becky for being my driver and escort. Thanks for the awesome conversation. We are so blessed to have you in our family! Praying that the snow misses the airport on Saturday so you and Kris can fly safely to Miami, Florida to enjoy your grand prize trip....

Blessings! Elayne

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