Friday, January 29, 2016

Potato Heads!

To Everyone! Thank you so much for everything....the prayers, the food, the caring, the support, the friendship, and all the other things that just go on and on. I love you all so much and have missed you while I am recovering. Recovery is progressing and hope to be back full time the meantime I have been doing what I can, and trying to catch up on a few things....this has had varying results. I do have ADD!!!!!!

The second lesson last week was from I Corinthians. I have wanted to do a children's sermon on this text for a few years...But fun fact- worship on the Third Sunday of Epiphany has been canceled every year due to weather and snow for at least the last 6!

So for your viewing enjoyment "Potato Head Theology" . Click on the link below!

Potato Head Theology

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