Monday, January 25, 2016

Thank you Dr S.!!!!!!!

Went to the doctor/surgeon today....The PA removed the remaining staples, yea!!!!! They were starting to bother a little. Glad to have them done. But then Dr. S came in and released me from all restrictions....I can eat what I want, I can lift again, and I should walk as much as I can...Ok I can do that....after all I have to start preparing for the Princess Marathon!

Anyhoo.....Grand news from Dr. S. today....I know he was a big part of the success that we heard about today....but I will not underestimate the power of prayer, snickerdoodles, and a loving family!!!!!

Now on to finish with Dr. B and her team and the last two chemo treatments!!!!

What an adventure! And looks to continue a little longer. But perhaps the end is in sight!!!!!

Our plan from last fall was to be in Florida today....we are not, but here is a great picture from a few years ago....
 (I like this hair better than the current "do".

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