To Everyone! Thank you so much for everything....the prayers, the food, the caring, the support, the friendship, and all the other things that just go on and on. I love you all so much and have missed you while I am recovering. Recovery is progressing and hope to be back full time the meantime I have been doing what I can, and trying to catch up on a few things....this has had varying results. I do have ADD!!!!!!
The second lesson last week was from I Corinthians. I have wanted to do a children's sermon on this text for a few years...But fun fact- worship on the Third Sunday of Epiphany has been canceled every year due to weather and snow for at least the last 6!
So for your viewing enjoyment "Potato Head Theology" . Click on the link below!
Potato Head Theology
You never know what you are going to get! Random thoughts from a beloved child of God, mom, grandma, social worker, and diaconal minister about faith, life, ministry, land, things that make joy! and now person dealing with cancer.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Monday, January 25, 2016
Thank you Dr S.!!!!!!!
Went to the doctor/surgeon today....The PA removed the remaining staples, yea!!!!! They were starting to bother a little. Glad to have them done. But then Dr. S came in and released me from all restrictions....I can eat what I want, I can lift again, and I should walk as much as I can...Ok I can do that....after all I have to start preparing for the Princess Marathon!
Anyhoo.....Grand news from Dr. S. today....I know he was a big part of the success that we heard about today....but I will not underestimate the power of prayer, snickerdoodles, and a loving family!!!!!
Now on to finish with Dr. B and her team and the last two chemo treatments!!!!
What an adventure! And looks to continue a little longer. But perhaps the end is in sight!!!!!
Our plan from last fall was to be in Florida today....we are not, but here is a great picture from a few years ago....
(I like this hair better than the current "do".
Anyhoo.....Grand news from Dr. S. today....I know he was a big part of the success that we heard about today....but I will not underestimate the power of prayer, snickerdoodles, and a loving family!!!!!
Now on to finish with Dr. B and her team and the last two chemo treatments!!!!
What an adventure! And looks to continue a little longer. But perhaps the end is in sight!!!!!
Our plan from last fall was to be in Florida today....we are not, but here is a great picture from a few years ago....
(I like this hair better than the current "do".
Sunday, January 24, 2016
It Has Been Two Weeks.......
Yup, it has been two weeks since surgery. Since then I have learned to putz around the house....I have sort of enjoyed putting together a puzzle, colored, did some writing, walked around the block (that would be the kitchen, hall, living room, and dining room loop)....and slept....alot!
I do have to say I have felt pretty good....took minimal amounts of pain medication, tho I did take some when I couldn't get comfortable.
I am so thankful for all the meals and goodies that have shown up.....Dave is too! Thank you so much to all who did that.
Went back to the hospital for two appointments last week. The first appointment was to have the incision checked and to have the staples removed. That went well. They left a few in, the rest will be removed next week.
The second appointment was with the cancer team. All good reports with the exception of the pathology report. The path report showed that there was a tumor that was still active in one of the fallopian tubes. Of course it was removed during surgery and the doctors believe that they got all of it.....but to be sure everything was destroyed, removed, or otherwise gone, the doctors are recommending two more rounds of in mid February, back to the chair we go.....
I can't deny that I was taken aback...I hoped it would all be done. But as I process and deal, I know that this is a positive course, especially if it prevents cancer from coming back and heads us towards remission.
Not cleared to go back to work, but I have showed up at a few things because I miss everyone....
Anyhooo......thank you for your continued prayers and love....Know I love you and miss you too!
Blessing Abound! Elayne
I do have to say I have felt pretty good....took minimal amounts of pain medication, tho I did take some when I couldn't get comfortable.
I am so thankful for all the meals and goodies that have shown up.....Dave is too! Thank you so much to all who did that.
Went back to the hospital for two appointments last week. The first appointment was to have the incision checked and to have the staples removed. That went well. They left a few in, the rest will be removed next week.
The second appointment was with the cancer team. All good reports with the exception of the pathology report. The path report showed that there was a tumor that was still active in one of the fallopian tubes. Of course it was removed during surgery and the doctors believe that they got all of it.....but to be sure everything was destroyed, removed, or otherwise gone, the doctors are recommending two more rounds of in mid February, back to the chair we go.....
I can't deny that I was taken aback...I hoped it would all be done. But as I process and deal, I know that this is a positive course, especially if it prevents cancer from coming back and heads us towards remission.
Not cleared to go back to work, but I have showed up at a few things because I miss everyone....
Anyhooo......thank you for your continued prayers and love....Know I love you and miss you too!
Blessing Abound! Elayne
Experiencing the Local Culture....
Mission to Alabama....2015-16
Yup! We sure did enjoy the local tasty treats.....including:
Cypress Inn-Tusculoosa
The fish tank was awesome. we saw albino catfish and tilapia.....Bama White BBQ Sauce was a was local seafood.We celebrated Kevin and Rachel's engagement and got to know Peter and Crystal a little better.....
Beale Street Memphis-The Pig....
Defiantly coming back to explore some more....We got the giant plate of everything that left everyone with more than enough to eat....Memphis style features a dry rub and wet sauce that you put on to your liking....Yummy! Defiantly worth the time we used for the side trip!
A local Mexican hot spot...great food!
Cat Fish Heaven-Tuscaloosa
The place to and things were constantly being picked up and taken from this local hot spot...we agree it was fantastic!
Archibalds BBQ
We can't get enough BBQ! Archibald's was wonderful...and we experienced Nanner Pudding!
We enjoyed exploring and trying new tasty treats! Only part of the fun of a great mission trip!!!!
Thursday, January 14, 2016
What a Good Idea.....
The week after Christmas Cross Roads sent a few good people to Alabama to praise God, share themselves and do some good work.....
We did a variety of things but one of the projects was brilliant. We have been on more than a few Habitat builds and it always bothered us that at the end of the day we through away the scraps....scraps that at home would have been stacked up and used for something sometime. But the reality of a build, you just can't keep everything. For one thing there is not enough storage space to do that. And it is not a good idea to leave stuff stacked up, for safety and it encourages vandalism.
But this chapter decided to do something about it....They secured a warehouse to store the scraps and they now make playhouses, dog houses, and bird houses with the scraps....but here is the fun part! They build the playhouses, then they use the scraps to build a dog house, and then they use the scraps from the dog houses to build bird houses.
Then they are painted in bright colors and sold as fund raisers that go back into the programs. The one we worked on is painted Crimson to honor the University of Alabama...AKA Roll Tide. Where Forrest Gump went!
Our group thought we should bring back at least two! One for Abby and one for Kamryn!
Allen checks it out.....
Getting ready to paint the playhouse.....
The playhouse....painted in "Roll Tide" Crimson!
Inside the Playhouse
The Dog Houses
The Front Porch!
Moving to the ReStore to be Sold....This one is still for Sale!
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Today's Bible Reading.....
I belong to a emailing thing that sends me a Bible Reading for the day....This was todays....I couldn't get past the first paragraph!
Psalm 106:1-12 (NRSV)
Praise the LORD!
O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
for his steadfast love endures forever.
Who can utter the mighty doings of the LORD,
or declare all his praise?
Happy are those who observe justice,
who do righteousness at all times.
Remember me, O LORD, when you show favor to your people;
help me when you deliver them;
that I may see the prosperity of your chosen ones,
that I may rejoice in the gladness of your nation,
that I may glory in your heritage.
Both we and our ancestors have sinned;
we have committed iniquity, have done wickedly.
Our ancestors, when they were in Egypt,
did not consider your wonderful works;
they did not remember the abundance of your steadfast love,
but rebelled against the Most High at the Red Sea.
Yet he saved them for his name's sake,
so that he might make known his mighty power.
He rebuked the Red Sea, and it became dry;
he led them through the deep as through a desert.
So he saved them from the hand of the foe,
and delivered them from the hand of the enemy.
The waters covered their adversaries;
not one of them was left.
Then they believed his words;
they sang his praise.
O give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
for his steadfast love endures forever.
Who can utter the mighty doings of the LORD,
or declare all his praise?
Happy are those who observe justice,
who do righteousness at all times.
Remember me, O LORD, when you show favor to your people;
help me when you deliver them;
that I may see the prosperity of your chosen ones,
that I may rejoice in the gladness of your nation,
that I may glory in your heritage.
Both we and our ancestors have sinned;
we have committed iniquity, have done wickedly.
Our ancestors, when they were in Egypt,
did not consider your wonderful works;
they did not remember the abundance of your steadfast love,
but rebelled against the Most High at the Red Sea.
Yet he saved them for his name's sake,
so that he might make known his mighty power.
He rebuked the Red Sea, and it became dry;
he led them through the deep as through a desert.
So he saved them from the hand of the foe,
and delivered them from the hand of the enemy.
The waters covered their adversaries;
not one of them was left.
Then they believed his words;
they sang his praise.
The Week End the Hospital!
I am now back at home in Osage....I thought I would do more writing in the hospital...after all I felt up to it. Surprisingly they keep you very busy at the hospital! So I thought I would write some things down quick today-January 13, 2016.
Thank you so much for the prayers, love, and support over the past months and especially the past few days. It is your care that sustains me and the love of God that lifts me when I can't.
I am so grateful for the doctors, nurses, and staff at Gundersen Clinics and Lutheran Hospital in LaCrosse. They are kind hearted and trained well. I want to say Thank you to each of them. It was quite the adventure!
It started on Friday morning. We had to check in at 9:00am, Dave drove, so we were alittle early. But they had our room ready. Marion was our guide. We chatted bit about her beautiful Norwegian jewelry. I told her that if she was Norse....we were probably related. As we talked, the things we were talking about were beginning to sound familiar.....come to find out she is the sister of cousin David and JoAnne Amundson!
The nurses came and made preparations for surgery....IV's started, questions answered, a whole new wardrobe, complete with fancy socks, We met with the surgeons, anesthesiologist, and everyone else. We signed papers and they gave us informed consent....which frankly scared the bejebes out of me and I did refuse a epidural for pain because, to me, it posed more of a risk than a help.....The chaplin came and prayed with us.
We said our 'see you laters' and rolled down the hall towards the room where the show was going to happen. Everyone said, a party in my honor, but then they put me to sleep and I went to LALA Land.
I woke up in the recovery room with people saying it was time to wake up, how are you feeling....that is your oxygen, and saying that everything went very well....I thought oh, good! and then went back to sleep. I was not there long and they took me to my room. I thought it was hard to talk, probably from the intonation tubes they used.
My room was on the 6th floor-med-surg unit. Side note~it was a room with a great view. I could see all the comings and goings on South Avenue.
My job right then was to wake up. Dave came just after I did with all our stuff. My job was to drink something, let the tubes do their work, and get out of bed. The weather was iffy so he left at 6:00pm to drive back.
After Dave left, they asked me if I wanted to sit in the chair.....yes! of course! Did I want to go for a we did, from one end of the hall to the other. The walk went very well! The nurses even said so.
I had a good night.....but the surface where I sit was tired of sitting. So I moved from bed to chair and back again.
Saturday, Sunday, and Monday were kind of a blur..... And then it was rest, eat, walk, rest, eat, walk. The doctors were concerned about output. So they were dealing with solution was to take out the catheter...I did not like that very much. When they did the problem improved. After that, progress was in stages. I started with a clear liquid diet...then graduated to full liquids (the potato soup is particularly tasty) By Sunday morning I was on a full diet. I had an omelette, it was delicious and I ate the whole thing. However...the advice to have small frequent meals was very helpful but received too late. I was not hungry for the rest of the day.....
Kris, Becky, and the Minions. stopped by for a visit on Saturday. Dave stopped by for a few minutes. was fun....the kid plan for after was to go to Pizza Doctor....never heard if they went! My Dad came to visit on Sunday. My friend Mark Anderson came to visit on Sunday and Monday (and brought communion). Roy and Faith Ott stopped by to help me put together a puzzle. And cousin Ed Overholt stopped by between patients. The weather was iffy and flus were going around so Mom, Laurie and her family, and Kevin and Rachel were not able to come, but called or texted. Mom called everyday to find out how things were going. It was good to see people.
The retreat did include coloring.....
Finally the IV's were removed, the catheter and oxygen was removed, medication pump was removed. I figured out how to use the TV/Computer....Now all we had to do was wait for the pipes to wake up....and when they finally did on Monday night....they did. Food tasted better, Walking was like flying, and all was right with the world....and then Dr. Shapiro asked if I wanted to go home!!!!! Dah!!! Yes I want to go home. So Tuesday morning we did all the things we had to do to go home-paperwork, prescriptions, orders, follow up appointments and all that.....and then I escaped. It was like a parade going down the hall....
Needed to stop at Sam's Club on the way home. But they did say it was good to walk....must have wore me out, because I slept all the way home!
The surgery did go very well. They took my appendix, part of the colon, my lady parts, and they took what was left of the tumors. Now we wait for the final pathology reports to make sure there are no more live cancer cells....So the adventure continues.
Soli Deo Gloria!
Thank you so much for the prayers, love, and support over the past months and especially the past few days. It is your care that sustains me and the love of God that lifts me when I can't.
I am so grateful for the doctors, nurses, and staff at Gundersen Clinics and Lutheran Hospital in LaCrosse. They are kind hearted and trained well. I want to say Thank you to each of them. It was quite the adventure!
It started on Friday morning. We had to check in at 9:00am, Dave drove, so we were alittle early. But they had our room ready. Marion was our guide. We chatted bit about her beautiful Norwegian jewelry. I told her that if she was Norse....we were probably related. As we talked, the things we were talking about were beginning to sound familiar.....come to find out she is the sister of cousin David and JoAnne Amundson!
The nurses came and made preparations for surgery....IV's started, questions answered, a whole new wardrobe, complete with fancy socks, We met with the surgeons, anesthesiologist, and everyone else. We signed papers and they gave us informed consent....which frankly scared the bejebes out of me and I did refuse a epidural for pain because, to me, it posed more of a risk than a help.....The chaplin came and prayed with us.
We said our 'see you laters' and rolled down the hall towards the room where the show was going to happen. Everyone said, a party in my honor, but then they put me to sleep and I went to LALA Land.
I woke up in the recovery room with people saying it was time to wake up, how are you feeling....that is your oxygen, and saying that everything went very well....I thought oh, good! and then went back to sleep. I was not there long and they took me to my room. I thought it was hard to talk, probably from the intonation tubes they used.
My room was on the 6th floor-med-surg unit. Side note~it was a room with a great view. I could see all the comings and goings on South Avenue.
My job right then was to wake up. Dave came just after I did with all our stuff. My job was to drink something, let the tubes do their work, and get out of bed. The weather was iffy so he left at 6:00pm to drive back.
After Dave left, they asked me if I wanted to sit in the chair.....yes! of course! Did I want to go for a we did, from one end of the hall to the other. The walk went very well! The nurses even said so.
I had a good night.....but the surface where I sit was tired of sitting. So I moved from bed to chair and back again.
Saturday, Sunday, and Monday were kind of a blur..... And then it was rest, eat, walk, rest, eat, walk. The doctors were concerned about output. So they were dealing with solution was to take out the catheter...I did not like that very much. When they did the problem improved. After that, progress was in stages. I started with a clear liquid diet...then graduated to full liquids (the potato soup is particularly tasty) By Sunday morning I was on a full diet. I had an omelette, it was delicious and I ate the whole thing. However...the advice to have small frequent meals was very helpful but received too late. I was not hungry for the rest of the day.....
Kris, Becky, and the Minions. stopped by for a visit on Saturday. Dave stopped by for a few minutes. was fun....the kid plan for after was to go to Pizza Doctor....never heard if they went! My Dad came to visit on Sunday. My friend Mark Anderson came to visit on Sunday and Monday (and brought communion). Roy and Faith Ott stopped by to help me put together a puzzle. And cousin Ed Overholt stopped by between patients. The weather was iffy and flus were going around so Mom, Laurie and her family, and Kevin and Rachel were not able to come, but called or texted. Mom called everyday to find out how things were going. It was good to see people.
The retreat did include coloring.....
Finally the IV's were removed, the catheter and oxygen was removed, medication pump was removed. I figured out how to use the TV/Computer....Now all we had to do was wait for the pipes to wake up....and when they finally did on Monday night....they did. Food tasted better, Walking was like flying, and all was right with the world....and then Dr. Shapiro asked if I wanted to go home!!!!! Dah!!! Yes I want to go home. So Tuesday morning we did all the things we had to do to go home-paperwork, prescriptions, orders, follow up appointments and all that.....and then I escaped. It was like a parade going down the hall....
Needed to stop at Sam's Club on the way home. But they did say it was good to walk....must have wore me out, because I slept all the way home!
The surgery did go very well. They took my appendix, part of the colon, my lady parts, and they took what was left of the tumors. Now we wait for the final pathology reports to make sure there are no more live cancer cells....So the adventure continues.
Soli Deo Gloria!
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Not to Worry!
There will be more posts about our amazing trip to Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Soon! In the meantime our missionaries will be sharing their experiences on Sunday at all Cross Roads Worship Services.
Update on me....Tomorrow I begin the pre surgery things that I have to do....Friday is the surgery day. I humbly ask for prayers. I will be at Gundersen Lutheran in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. Should be there for 3-5 days.
Blessings Abound! Elayne
Update on me....Tomorrow I begin the pre surgery things that I have to do....Friday is the surgery day. I humbly ask for prayers. I will be at Gundersen Lutheran in LaCrosse, Wisconsin. Should be there for 3-5 days.
Blessings Abound! Elayne
Funny Story I have to share.... (January 6-Epiphany) was my day to do the worship services at the nursing home.....after the service I was talking to some of the ladies about recent events, Christmas, New Years, Epiphany, weather, etc.....One of them started talking about Christmas presents....Another one said "have you heard anything about coloring for adults? My daughter says it is the popular thing to do. and can you believe she gave me a coloring book and colors for Christmas?" I said "oh yes, it is a thing. I have several of them, gel pens, colored pencils, and crayons, some were gifts." Another woman said I want a book, but have not found one yet.
She was not convinced that it was an ok thing to do, but since her friend wanted one, she decided she would try it......Interesting to hear perspectives from other generations!
She was not convinced that it was an ok thing to do, but since her friend wanted one, she decided she would try it......Interesting to hear perspectives from other generations!
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