It has been a busy week, so I am late on posting the weekly update!
Chemo Treatment #3 was on Thursday....Having the treatment means that this kinda messed up our routine. Treatment was moved up a day to make sure there was an attending doctor to cover. The Doctor that I had moved to Green Bay. My main doctor is doing a fellowship, so she has an attending to approve her work. She does really well! I met my new oncologist and I think he will be fine. We also talked about the next steps...In three weeks I have another CT Scan and then I will meet with the OB-GYN surgeon to determine if the masses have shrunk enough for surgery, if they have, and we pray they have and the chemo is working, they will schedule surgery. So, depending on when the surgery is scheduled I may or may not have Chemo Treatment # 4 two days later. If they can schedule it the next week, no chemo. If it is a few weeks, then we have the treatment, don't want to waste time.
So our routine was messed up.....What I mean by that is: The day of chemo is not so bad. Sleepy from the Benadryl, so someone has to drive me home. The second day, Still feeling pretty good, This week that fell on Friday, this week we had a wedding, so I went to the rehearsal and dinner. Saturday, today was a great day, I went to the wedding, but I am starting to feel foggy and wobbly...... so with treatment a day early, the "bad" day comes on Sunday....Thankfully one of our members, Toni offered to lead worship. I wrote the sermon. I am going to try and go, but I will be on some pain killers. Last time I was achey and tired. As I write this it is starting.
Dave went with me to the chemo chair this time....there he is below...on his IPad......He will probably never go again, he didn't want to color, he didn't want any snacks. So he left and went downtown....oh well I was sleeping anyway! I am thankful for his love, his help, his support, his faith! But this man has no patience to sit for six hours!
That night we made it back to go to the God's Work Our Hands project where we fed Bridges Mentoring Program participants and mentors. It was a great night!
God is Good, all the time, God is Good! And Life all is good too!
O My goodness-Dave looks like Randy did the one day he went with me to treatment. Randy too is as supportive as I've ever experienced but he is NO company when I need some. So I preferred lady friends who would chat with me, eat with me, stitch with me-not a guy who is reading a book and perfectly happy to do so. :) lol I'm so glad you have great lay leadership who will offer, and you will accept, to lead worship. I think your peers will do most anything to see you through this temporary situation. Super glad you have your own parking spot-they take your ministry seriously! :) We continue to be watchful. hopeful and expectant of uplifting news! Carry on!