Friday, September 25, 2015

We said See you Later to Aunt Carol......

My aunt died this week....I have a lot of great memories of her. I remember she baby sat for me when I was really little, like 4. She gave me a measuring cup with chocolate chips that I got to carry around with me. I remember her sense of humor and then she would laugh. I loved her laugh! We will miss you Aunt Carol, but through faith, we will see you later!

So 8 cousins and I had a chance to catch up....the last time we were all together was 25 years ago at Grandpa and Grandma Stoen's the way today, September 25 is the 25th anniversary since Grandpa died :( I miss him!

Anyway, pulled pork, potato salad, and funeral cake is enough to make anyone feel better. And it gave us a chance to catch up. Among us we have a police officer, a teacher, a stay home mom, a social worker, another social worker/minister, a farmer, a horticulturist, a nurse, and a computer programer.

We remembered being at Grandpa and Grandmas, one of us falling in the creek, playing in the attic, and knowing where to find the hidden easter baskets because they were always hidden in the same place....

I am grateful for the memories and for the time to spend talking about them. We have been through a lot...the nine of us! Moves, marriages, marriages ending, other funerals, grief, loss, starting careers, ending careers, changing careers, having kids, adopting has happened and continues to happen....Thanks be to God!

 The Cousins Stoen!

The Brothers Stoen!
My Dad on the Right with his brothers....

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