Friday, September 25, 2015

My New Look!

My newest hat!!!! Guess who wants a matching one!

Burrito Lasagna.....

Someone asked me if I actually make the recipes I post....the answer is yes, yes, as a matter of fact I do!!! I have had some epic fails like the green bean, potato, and lemon fiasco.... and many that have made it into the Wergi Rotation....Here is the latest one, Burrito Lasagna (or taco lasagna) is what/was is for supper! Along with toppings: salsa, sour cream, lettuce, tomatoes, and black olives. I added onion and garlic to the hamburger....

Here is the link to the recipe:      //

The Fog is lifted and Life is Good!

Wednesday afternoon I was moving kinda slow, I worked on the finishing touches for Confirmation....and then it rained....and rained!

But then the chemo fog lifted, the kids came, the energy returned...we had a great discussion about two of the creation was AWESOME!!! Lots of great questions, lots of great comments! I love when they are able to apply their real world experiences, what they are learning in school to what we are talking about in class! Yippee!!!! Mission Accomplished....Next week we have creation stations. And the week after that our confirmation Banquet! It will be an awesome couple of weeks.

So the point. The bad week was kinda rough this time. As I mentioned the chemo day was moved from Friday back to Thursday. I missed going to worship, but I was wobbly and foggy. I couldn't walk from one side of the room to the other without being winded and worn out.

I did muster up enough energy to go to family night....I did enjoy sitting in the chair and watching the crochet game....and the attempt at the Hungry Hippy Game-Human Version.

But after Wednesday, the fog is lifted and Life is good again....Crazy Good! Thanks be to God!

Happy Birthday Marcus!!!!!

Happy Birthday Marcus! We remember the day you were born! You were a surprise! You arrived 3 weeks early, but you were healthy and active. You arrived early in the morning, it was a good thing the doctor was already there because you were coming one way or the other.

You have given us joy, challenges, sass, vim, and is a wonder that you didn't burn down the house, I still have the pan that you melted.....You have entertained us with your imagination and explorations, you have taught us patience, love, but most of all taken us with you on all of your adventures imagined and real.....Can't wait to see what you do next....May God's Best Blessings be for you!
Love, Mom!

We said See you Later to Aunt Carol......

My aunt died this week....I have a lot of great memories of her. I remember she baby sat for me when I was really little, like 4. She gave me a measuring cup with chocolate chips that I got to carry around with me. I remember her sense of humor and then she would laugh. I loved her laugh! We will miss you Aunt Carol, but through faith, we will see you later!

So 8 cousins and I had a chance to catch up....the last time we were all together was 25 years ago at Grandpa and Grandma Stoen's the way today, September 25 is the 25th anniversary since Grandpa died :( I miss him!

Anyway, pulled pork, potato salad, and funeral cake is enough to make anyone feel better. And it gave us a chance to catch up. Among us we have a police officer, a teacher, a stay home mom, a social worker, another social worker/minister, a farmer, a horticulturist, a nurse, and a computer programer.

We remembered being at Grandpa and Grandmas, one of us falling in the creek, playing in the attic, and knowing where to find the hidden easter baskets because they were always hidden in the same place....

I am grateful for the memories and for the time to spend talking about them. We have been through a lot...the nine of us! Moves, marriages, marriages ending, other funerals, grief, loss, starting careers, ending careers, changing careers, having kids, adopting has happened and continues to happen....Thanks be to God!

 The Cousins Stoen!

The Brothers Stoen!
My Dad on the Right with his brothers....

Saturday, September 19, 2015

What a Week....

It has been a busy week, so I am late on posting the weekly update!

Chemo Treatment #3 was on Thursday....Having the treatment means that this kinda messed up our routine. Treatment was moved up a day to make sure there was an attending doctor to cover. The Doctor that I had moved to Green Bay. My main doctor is doing a fellowship, so she has an attending to approve her work. She does really well! I met my new oncologist and I think he will be fine. We also talked about the next steps...In three weeks I have another CT Scan and then I will meet with the OB-GYN surgeon to determine if the masses have shrunk enough for surgery, if they have, and we pray they have and the chemo is working, they will schedule surgery. So, depending on when the surgery is scheduled I may or may not have Chemo Treatment # 4 two days later. If they can schedule it the next week, no chemo. If it is a few weeks, then we have the treatment, don't want to waste time.

So our routine was messed up.....What I mean by that is: The day of chemo is not so bad. Sleepy from the Benadryl, so someone has to drive me home. The second day, Still feeling pretty good, This week that fell on Friday, this week we had a wedding, so I went to the rehearsal and dinner. Saturday, today was a great day, I went to the wedding, but I am starting to feel foggy and wobbly...... so with treatment a day early, the "bad" day comes on Sunday....Thankfully one of our members, Toni offered to lead worship. I wrote the sermon. I am going to try and go, but I will be on some pain killers. Last time I was achey and tired. As I write this it is starting.

Dave went with me to the chemo chair this time....there he is below...on his IPad......He will probably never go again, he didn't want to color, he didn't want any snacks. So he left and went downtown....oh well I was sleeping anyway! I am thankful for his love, his help, his support, his faith! But this man has no patience to sit for six hours!

That night we made it back to go to the God's Work Our Hands project where we fed Bridges Mentoring Program participants and mentors. It was a great night!

God is Good, all the time, God is Good! And Life all is good too!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Reflections on Pot Lucks....

I love Pot Lucks....any time any place!!! The word was first used in the 16th century to mean "food provided for an unexpected or uninvited guest, the luck of the pot"......The term is still used today and to mean it means more food than one can eat, and it is truly all good!!!! Especially in Northeastern Iowa where we know how to cook with the abundance of fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats....and where it is not uncommon to smell bread baking!

When we lived in Highlandville we use to have spontaneous ones throughout the summer. The kids were off having adventures around the neighborhood, and at some point, I would have to go find them. That was when we ran into the neighbors looking for their kids. And that lead us all to decide at the last minute that everyone should gathered with what they were planning for supper and meet in a few minutes at the camp ground...Always a lot of fun and never planned!!!!

At Seminary, there was a "covered dish" dinner every Friday night. Everyone brought their favorite thing to BBQ and a dish to share. More than once every dish was a pot of freshly opened baked beans, and it was fabulous!!

When Dave was on Internship in Indiana, we had regular pot lucks there too....only they were not called pot lucks....they were Pitch ins....everyone pitched in and brought a dish. They also used mangos that looked a lot like green peppers to me....

When we moved to Cross Roads were introduced to each of the four congregations with a pot luck....during the same week....FOUR nights in a row!!!! The food was fantastic, the fellowship was wonderful! At the end of the week I said UFF DA! That was a lot of food!

A few weeks ago we had a pot luck at Rock Creek honoring our missionary friends from Haiti...Les called it a Pot Blessing....because we were blessed with so many pots of great food, and the best peach pie he had ever eaten!  Yup! it was ALL good!!!!

Across the country Pot Lucks may be called by different names...such as a bring and share, a spread,
a dutch supper, or even a Jacob's Join....But what ever it is called, FOR SURE there will enough for everyone to eat and enjoy.....With everyone wanting the prized hot dishes, potato salad made by ________(fill in the name of the maker of the best potato salad), casseroles, Jello, deviled eggs, pies, salads, desserts, and homemade bread....And in every group there are one or two that ALWAYS bring the same dish, because we all know it would not BE a POTLUCK with out that one dish!!!! Am I right?????

But I have not always loved them......My earliest memories were of red Jello melting into the scalloped potatoes. AND that is just NOT right. That was what happened before I could reach the table. So when I could hold the plate myself, there were no more red rivers running below the mound of oooie gooey goodness....and that was when my love affair with Pot Lucks began!

As I have gotten older I am also loving the analogy of everyone sharing food, sharing time, sharing work, having a great time, and having enough even for those who didn't bring anything...and not only everyone having enough....there are left overs to be taken home....

This past month I have been thinking about many things...and one of those things are final plans....probably forced by a difficult diagnosis....but even more because we have had a more than usual number of funerals to conduct this year...So consequently, I have put together a worship notebook with funeral notes in it...things to mention when talking to families about hymn suggestions, scripture readings, etc..... So, in a healthy way I started jotting things down that I wanted to remember to tell my family (Just so you know.....I plan to be around at least into my 90's) Hopefully the notes will make some decisions easier for my family when the time comes.....but if you know us, you know there has been more than a little sarcasm involved....cause, you know,  THAT is how we roll!

I want the hymns Lift High the Cross, You Are Mine, Have No Fear Little Flock, Lord of All Hopefulness, Peace Like a River, The Lord is My Shepherd, Here I am Lord, Abide with Me, Thine is the Glory, My Hope is Built On Nothing Less, Be Still My Soul, Jesus Loves Me, Thine the Amen, I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light, Christ is Made the Sure Foundation, Healer of Our Every Ill, Lord Whose Love in Humble Service, I Know That My Redeemer Live, He Leadeth Me, There in God's Garden, On Our Way Rejoicing, and about 10 more, All of them!
....Dave thinks this is a problem!

I also wish to celebrate Holy Communion, be cremated and the ashes scattered over the farm in Highlandville, in lieu of flowers donate the money to world hunger or a community garden project, and I WANT A POT LUCK!!!!!

So...... I told my mom I wanted a pot luck for my funeral.....she laughed! And it was not just a giggle, she almost fell out of her was a deep, loud, tears streaming down her cheeks, belly laugh!!!! She never did say why that was SO funny....oh well!

Certainly we shall not wait for my funeral to have a pot luck! Any time any place...if you are having one, I will come!

Update from Day 32.....

Monday September 7, 2015....Labor Day!

Today is Labor Day.....where did the summer go? The calendar may say September but the weather is hot, humid, sticky, cloudy, and not winter! So it is a great day :)

I spent most of last week in the "fog". But Thursday the fog lifted and I have been feeling great ever since. Monday I was achey and could not find a comfortable position to sit in, and the Tylenol could not keep up with it. So may have to rethink that for next time. But other than the tired, achey, and foggy feelings last week, it went ok.....

I guess if I were to complain, by far the most annoying thing is my itchy head. On top of the razor stubble (I don't know how you do it boys!) I got heat rash from wearing the hats....So I am just going head naked, and it is a lot cooler.

We continue to be thankful and grateful that the side effects are minimal.....and for air conditioning!!!

Work-wise, it was kind of a busy week....Confirmation and prep on Wednesday, parish council meeting on Thursday, funerals on Friday and Saturday, and leading both Sunday services at the Saints.

So  today, Day 32 I am taking it easy and enjoying the day....this week is going to be another busy week....Blessings Abound!