Monday, December 28, 2015

Mission To Alabama....December 28, 2015

We have made it safely to Tuscaloosa , Alabama!!!!! We have met with our friend Peter and have our work orders for tomorrow.

Yesterday we left about 1:00pm from Rock Creek. We traveled to Farmington, MO, just south of St Louis where we stayed overnight.

Today  we got up EARLY!!!! And headed out. We arrived in Memphis, Tennessee  in time for lunch....and when in Memphis, there is only one thing to do! Eat Memphis style BBQ...on Beale Street!!

Which we did and it was delicious! Maybe more on that are some pics of the group.
Then we visited the National Civil Rights Museum. For sure it was one of the highlights of the day for us. The museum includes the Lorraine Motel, the location where Martin Luther King Jr. was assented in 1968.

Tomorrow starts early, so time to go to sleep......

To be continued.....

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