Monday, October 27, 2014

Mac and Cheese

I have to confess...Growing up in the midwest, I did not understand Mac and Cheese. We had it often growing kids had the blue box variety at least once a week....But we did not understand the complexity and wonderfuldeliciousness that is mac and cheese until we moved to South Carolina. There it is on every buffet and can be found at the finest "Q" restaurants...of course you might have to risk offending the server if you ask if it is homemade. But it is an important question....

This recipe is printed in the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, Columbia, South Carolina.  submitted our dear friend Wilda Boyde who could cook! It was in the vegetable section. This is a crock pot version, but can just as easily be baked in the oven for an hour. Either way it is well worth the effort to gather the ingredients and risk the cholesterol! Enjoy!
Sorry no picture yet :(

Crock Pot Macaroni-
AKA by our family, Southern Mac

8 ounces macaroni-cooked according to package directions
1 large can evaporated milk
1 1/2 cup milk
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup mild cheese (american or Velvetta)-shredded
2 cups sharp cheddar cheese-shredded
2 eggs
1 stick butter
pepper to taste
More cheese for the top

Combine noodles, milks, salt, pepper, cheeses, eggs, and butter in a crock pot. Cook on high setting for 3-3 1/2 hours (depending on your crock pot). When close to done, sprinkle cheese on top. Sauce should be set. If baking in an oven, bake for an hour or until set.

An Apple A Day.....

It is a beautiful fall along the banks of Rock Creek and South Bear Creeks! This year we were blessed with fresh produce from our bountiful gardens and enjoyed gracious gifts from from our neighbors. Apples were especially good this year, and we have enjoyed apple sauce, apple crisp, and apple butter.

Today I made Apple Pudding. I have had this recipe for a long time. It was one of the recipes that one of my cousins shared at my bridal shower back in the day. Over the years I have made it several times. It is super easy and a great way to use apples. It is just a little different from Apple Crisp. Crisp tends to be one of my goto recipes. I included both recipes today.

Here is the Recipe Apple Pudding
Grease an 8 inch cake pan. Peel, core, and slice tart apples to make 3 cups. (3 large or six small). Lay them in the pan. Sprinkle 1/2 cup sugar and cinnamon over the apples.  In the mean time cream 4 tablespoons butter with 1/2 cup sugar. Add one egg. Sift together 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/2 cup flour, and 1/2 teaspoon baking soda together, stir into butter mix. Drop by teaspoonfuls over the apples. Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes. Serve with ice-cream or whipped cream.

My Favorite Fruit Crisp Topping
1/3 cup soft butter
1/2 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup brown sugar
Combine. Should be rather dry. Spread over fruit that has been sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. Bake for 1 hour