I know it is time to go when I am feeling cranky, stubborn, and I have picked an argument with a total stranger....
So off we went on an adventure that is the cure for my stubbornness and crankiness........
Thunder Mountain,
Splash Mountain,
Test Track,
the Haunted Mansion,
and Kali River Rapids
and a few others.....
We took the ALS Challenge on both Splash Mountain AND Kali River Rapids....we spent two days drenched.....
We would have taken a nice ride in the teacups, but Dave is no longer allowed on them after he tried cranking them up to puke speed......Who knew there were different speeds. The cups that have diamonds on them (see the pink one), I discovered, by accident, are the fastest, flowers are slower. So that was fun....and the new magic bands make life so much easier. We never had to wait in the long lines that Disney is famous for.
We indulged in Dole Whip Floats, Mocha Frapachinos, ate pretzels, popcorn, and Mickey shaped ice cream bars!
We rode the monorail, the boats, and of course the busses so there was no having to make any sense of maps, toll booths, or getting lost.
We watched fireworks and parades.....not crazy about zombies...but the dancers did a great job.
We stood and listened to the "Daper Dans" until it was their time to celebrate something.....and since we were celebrating our anniversary.......and wearing the buttons, we became part of their show. YA! it was fun!!!!
We even colored with real crayons, and no one took them away from us.....we explored culinary offerings at a food and wine show. We went to the Lion King and ate Bobotie. Mickey was everywhere....even in our room.....
And then there was the food.....what a treat to be able to just go and have whatever we want....This is brick oven pizza from Splitsville....I thought it was awesome, I would go again.
We were blessed to be able to go join Uncle Ray and Aunt Aurora at worship and breakfast.
YA! We had a great time, blessed by the time away, safely home again......at least until I am grumpy again and need to go again for a recharge....Oh, and if you were wondering, we were at Disney World :)
Dave waiting to be fed...We ate at the bowling alley!
My car....in red.
This little guy was waiting for us in our room
Gaston's Tavern