Monday, October 27, 2014

Mac and Cheese

I have to confess...Growing up in the midwest, I did not understand Mac and Cheese. We had it often growing kids had the blue box variety at least once a week....But we did not understand the complexity and wonderfuldeliciousness that is mac and cheese until we moved to South Carolina. There it is on every buffet and can be found at the finest "Q" restaurants...of course you might have to risk offending the server if you ask if it is homemade. But it is an important question....

This recipe is printed in the Lutheran Church of the Resurrection, Columbia, South Carolina.  submitted our dear friend Wilda Boyde who could cook! It was in the vegetable section. This is a crock pot version, but can just as easily be baked in the oven for an hour. Either way it is well worth the effort to gather the ingredients and risk the cholesterol! Enjoy!
Sorry no picture yet :(

Crock Pot Macaroni-
AKA by our family, Southern Mac

8 ounces macaroni-cooked according to package directions
1 large can evaporated milk
1 1/2 cup milk
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup mild cheese (american or Velvetta)-shredded
2 cups sharp cheddar cheese-shredded
2 eggs
1 stick butter
pepper to taste
More cheese for the top

Combine noodles, milks, salt, pepper, cheeses, eggs, and butter in a crock pot. Cook on high setting for 3-3 1/2 hours (depending on your crock pot). When close to done, sprinkle cheese on top. Sauce should be set. If baking in an oven, bake for an hour or until set.

An Apple A Day.....

It is a beautiful fall along the banks of Rock Creek and South Bear Creeks! This year we were blessed with fresh produce from our bountiful gardens and enjoyed gracious gifts from from our neighbors. Apples were especially good this year, and we have enjoyed apple sauce, apple crisp, and apple butter.

Today I made Apple Pudding. I have had this recipe for a long time. It was one of the recipes that one of my cousins shared at my bridal shower back in the day. Over the years I have made it several times. It is super easy and a great way to use apples. It is just a little different from Apple Crisp. Crisp tends to be one of my goto recipes. I included both recipes today.

Here is the Recipe Apple Pudding
Grease an 8 inch cake pan. Peel, core, and slice tart apples to make 3 cups. (3 large or six small). Lay them in the pan. Sprinkle 1/2 cup sugar and cinnamon over the apples.  In the mean time cream 4 tablespoons butter with 1/2 cup sugar. Add one egg. Sift together 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1/2 cup flour, and 1/2 teaspoon baking soda together, stir into butter mix. Drop by teaspoonfuls over the apples. Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes. Serve with ice-cream or whipped cream.

My Favorite Fruit Crisp Topping
1/3 cup soft butter
1/2 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup brown sugar
Combine. Should be rather dry. Spread over fruit that has been sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. Bake for 1 hour

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Time for Vacation!!

Yes, it was time for vacation! I love my job, my family, where I live....I guess you could say I love my life. But sometimes, I just need to get away from all of it and play.

I know it is time to go when I am feeling cranky, stubborn, and I have picked an argument with a total stranger....

So off we went on an adventure that is the cure for my stubbornness and crankiness........

We played, we took naps, and we did our best to forget that we are adults with responsibilities. We rode on
Thunder Mountain,
Splash Mountain,
Test Track,
the Haunted Mansion,
and Kali River Rapids
and a few others.....

We took the ALS Challenge on both Splash Mountain AND Kali River Rapids....we spent two days drenched.....

We would have taken a nice ride in the teacups, but Dave is no longer allowed on them after he tried cranking them up to puke speed......Who knew there were different speeds. The cups that have diamonds on them (see the pink one), I discovered, by accident, are the fastest, flowers are slower. So that was fun....and the new magic bands make life so much easier. We never had to wait in the long lines that Disney is famous for.

We indulged in Dole Whip Floats, Mocha Frapachinos, ate pretzels, popcorn, and Mickey shaped ice cream bars!

We rode the monorail, the boats, and of course the busses so there was no having to make any sense of maps, toll booths, or getting lost.

 We watched fireworks and parades.....not crazy about zombies...but the dancers did a great job.

We saw the famous headless horseman. I made Dave wait for an hour so we could get a great spot to watch the "Not So Scary Halloween Parade". We had to put our feet up off the ground when the horse went by....I did not understand why....but in matters like these it is not up to me... It was a fun parade, and from now on, my spot to watch the parades is on the wall outside Pecos Bill's Tall Tale Cafe.

We stood and listened to the "Daper Dans" until it was their time to celebrate something.....and since we were celebrating our anniversary.......and wearing the buttons, we became part of their show. YA! it was fun!!!!

We even colored with real crayons, and no one took them away from us.....we explored culinary offerings at a food and wine show. We went to the Lion King and ate Bobotie. Mickey was everywhere....even in our room.....

This time we took the tour "Behind the Seeds" at EPCOT. Michael was our tour guide. He is an Epi-something guy....he studies bugs. He loves the plants and everything about them....He had some awesome ideas for 4-H projects having to do with hydroponics..... we actually learned a few things, and it is always fun to go 'behind the scenes' at Disney!
And then there was the food.....what a treat to be able to just go and have whatever we want....This is brick oven pizza from Splitsville....I thought it was awesome, I would go again.

We were blessed to be able to go join Uncle Ray and Aunt Aurora at worship and breakfast.

YA! We had a great time, blessed by the time away, safely home least until I am grumpy again and need to go again for a recharge....Oh, and if you were wondering, we were at Disney World :)

Dave waiting to be fed...We ate at the bowling alley!

My red.

This little guy was waiting for us in our room 
Gaston's Tavern           

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Confessions of a Dairy Farmer's Daughter

Yes, it is true. I have milked a cow, delivered calves, showed cattle, and even cleaned the barn....I do not profess to be a master of any of that.....but what I do know about is using dairy products in preparing tempting and tasty dishes that my family enjoys.

In high school my favorite class was "Home-ec". I even toyed with that as a major in college....but life took me in another direction. However even in high school and my years in 4-H I learned the value of promoting farm fresh foods especially butter, milk, cheese, buttermilk, and all the variations of products. I use to argue with my teachers that we should be using butter rather than the "other stuff". She accused me of being difficult.....I was.....and eventually she provided the butter for our class.

I still use butter, especially in baking. I do try to cut back when I can to save on calories. I guess I would be considered a butterholic....I have not tried the fried butter at the fair. That might be my limit.

Today's treat is bread pudding with carmel sauce. It is a newer family favorite and it is super yummy. I discovered bread pudding when it was on one of the buffets at Walt Disney World. They served it with a vanilla sauce and another version had bananas....I was hooked. When I find something I like, I try to find the recipe. I did not know that all I had to do was ask the server and she would have given it to me. (restaurants at Walt Disney World will give you the recipe if you ask for it, who knew?) Anyway.....after looking through, and trying a few recipes, this is my favorite version. It  should only be enjoyed occasionally.

Bread Pudding

1 loaf Italian or French bread, torn into pieces
6 cups milk-scalded (heat to almost boiling)
Place the torn bread in a greased 9x13 inch baking pan. Pour the scalded milk over the bread and let sit for 30 minutes.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

4 eggs, beaten
3/4 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup melted butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon salt
Combine beaten eggs, sugar, butter, vanilla, and salt. Stir egg mixture into the milk and bread. Make sure it is well blended. Bake for 1 hour or until firm. Serve warm with Carmel Sauce and ice cream.

Carmel Sauce
1/2 cup butter
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
dash salt

In a small saucepan, melt butter. Stir in brown sugar and cream. Bring to boil, string constantly. Remove from heat; stir in vanilla and salt. To serve: drizzle over warm bread pudding and ice cream.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Quest To Find.....

A couple of years ago I went to Florida with my sister and her husband. I told her that before we left I wanted to have "authentic" Key Lime Pie. We asked around and were directed to "The Banana Boat" in Boynton Beach, Florida, just north of Miami. We had a delicious meal and then ordered the Key Lime Pie....absolutely scrumptious.

Here is where the "Quest to Find A Recipe for Key Lime Pie" came from. After some poking and prodding and talking with total strangers about Key Lime Pie....I discovered that the recipe is ridiculously easy (it is...Kamryn has even made it). The secret ingredient, as you can guess is Key Lime juice.

That is it....right there. Nellie and Joe's Famous Key West Lime Juice....You can find it in any grocery store in the south....and even in a few in the midwest! (Imagine my surprise to find it right next to the ReaLemon in the store I shop in every week). Since at the time I did not know that I could get the lighting in a bottle, I regularly bring back five or six bottles. Mrs. Biddles is also a good brand. Sometimes I bring both back. If you can find fresh key limes...use those of course, fresh is always preferred. Don't use the bigger limes that are plentiful...they are not the same things.

Key Limes only grow on the keys along the Gulf of Mexico. They were almost wiped out when a hurricane went through early in the 1900's. The orchard stands are starting to come back and are being seen again in wider distribution.

Anyhoo....After some fidgeting with the recipe on the back of the bottle. I now declare that I have mastered the art of the sweet, tart, and irresistible art of Key Lime Pie!

Key Lime Pie

Prepared a 9 inch Graham Cracker Crust
1/2 scant cup Key Lime Juice
14 ounce can-Sweetened Condensed Milk
4 egg yolks (Save whites for meringue)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine juice, milk, and yolks in a mixing bowl. Whisk together. Pour into the prepared graham cracker crust. Bake for 5 minutes in preheated oven. While the custard is baking make the meringue. Spoon onto the hot custard. Bake for 10 additional minutes or until the peaks of the meringue is golden. Let cool completely.

To make the meringue.
Bring the whites to room temp. Place the whites of 4 eggs in a mixing bowl. Whip, as they are whipping add 1/4 teaspoon cream of tarter, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, and 6 tablespoons of sugar. Add the sugar 1 tablespoon at a time. Follow the directions above.

Slice into desired size slices, place on a plate, garnish with some mint or a slice of lime. Enjoy! OR dig into the center of the pie, eat the whole thing, and not tell anyone you did it....The latter is not recommended. It is much better shared.

Please note that true Key Lime Pie is a creamy yellow color....if you are given a slice of pie that is green, it might taste good, but it is not authentic.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Here We Go!

I was once asked to describe myself in one word....It took me awhile. But the word I finally chose was 'potluck'. I am a mix of many contradicting things that make up who I am. I am a jack of all trades and a master of none. And that has served me well in my life as a daughter, wife, mother, farmer, social worker, and diaconal minister. Hence the name of this blog...Pot Luck! You never know what you will get, but to be sure it will reflect the passion for the day. My guess is either something to do with:
     1. Grandchildren and family
     2. ministry, especially cross generational ministry....
     3. Disney World, a national park, or a current travel adventure
     4. a recipe that has been rediscovered or a new one we just tried.
     5. a craft project that has my attention....
     6. a new favorite movie
     7. a new favorite restaurant
     8. or Pot Luck! you never know what you will get!

Often people have remarked that they saw a recipe I had posted on Facebook....sometimes I have make the recipe and love it, other times I make it and think never again.....Sometimes I never get around to trying it and it gets lost in cyber space.....

Today I made my mother in law's chow mien recipe with a oriental salad on the side. I thought to myself...I should share this....because it tastes good, it is easy to make, and it is a perfect dish to serve on an autumn evening when everyone is hungry after a long day at work and at home. And it can be made ahead and popped in the oven about an hour before supper time. 

As good as the hot dish is....the salad dressing and almonds a what I really wanted to share! I will never eat nuts strait from the bag again! And homemade salad dressing is so easy....I do not know why I didn't start making it from scratch along time ago....

Toasted Almonds for Salads
To make them:
put a small frying pan on stove and heat the pan. When hot pour the bag of almonds in. About 1/4 cup of almonds. Stir the nuts around. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of sugar over the nuts. Continue to stir. Add sugar 1 tablespoon at a time until the nuts are covered with sugar and the sugar starts to caramelize. Remove from the heat and cool.

Oriental Salad
1 bunch romain lettuce-chop into small pieces and put in a bowl
1 can mandarin oranges, drained
1/2 cup peas, thawed or 1/2 cup pea pods
1/2 cup chow mein noodles
1/2 cup chopped celery
1/4 cup green onions, sliced
1/4 cup toasted almonds (recipe above)
Toss together. Just before serving toss with dressing below:

Oriental Salad Dressing
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup rice vinegar
1/2 cup salad oil
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds
Whisk together and serve over Oriental Salad

Chow Mein
1 1/2 pound hamburger
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 clove minced garlic
1/4 cup chopped celery
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can chicken gumbo soup
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 can water chestnuts, sliced and drained
1/2 cup rice
1 soup can water
Fry and crumble hamburger. Stir in onion, garlic and celery, fry until translucent. Combine soups, soy sauce, water chestnuts, water, and rice in a greased 3 quart casserole dish. Stir in the fried hamburger. Bake covered in a 350 degree oven for 1 hour. Remove the cover and bake another 30 minutes or until the rice is tender. Serve with toasted chow mien noodles